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"Hold, hold on, hold onto me, 'cause I'm a little unsteady, a little unsteady"

I woke up late that night, as Theresa would NOT stop kicking the shit out of my bladder. And every time I would get to sleep, she would kick me up once more. I was exhausted.

But around midnight, I woke up in extreme pain. The nurses tell you you'll know contractions when you feel them, and god they were right. I tried to breathe and sit up, and that's when I felt my sweats drench in water.

My water just broke.

"James!" I exclaimed, crying out in pain as a contraction hit me, my eyes squeezing shut as i tried to breathe through it.

"Huh? What's up doll?" Bucky asked sleepily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes before noticing the pain I was in, "Is it the baby?"

"My fucking water just broke," I whispered, "she's coming now James."

"Really?" He exclaimed, and I nodded my head as the contraction passed. He jumped out of our bed, immediately calling Wanda and leaving the room.


"SORRY DOLL!" He exclaimed, running back into the room with his phone to his ear and a bag in his hand, "yeah Wanda her water just broke."

I heard a indistinct screaming from the other side of the phone as Bucky helped me out of bed, helping me take off my pants and change into new ones before walking me to the car.

He was a fucking race car driver. His right hand rested on my belly while his metal arm turned the steering wheel.

"Buck I don't want to die before we get to the hospital," I giggled, sucking in a tight breath as another contraction hit me. And this one hit me HARD.

"Breathe sweetheart, try the exercises from the book you were reading," he said softly.

"You didn't read the book did you?" I asked quietly, and he shook his head, "you fucking bitch."

"I'm sorry," he laughed, "I had Sarah tell me about it though."

"The breathing doesn't fucking work James," I cried, gripping onto the handle of the car so hard I almost ripped it off the car door.

"Just try it baby," he said softly, pulling into the hospital parking lot, turning on his warning lights and helping me out of the car where there was a nurse standing with Wanda with a wheelchair.

The nurse helped me into my chair while Wanda took Bucky's keys, pulling the car into a parking spot while Bucky pushed me through the hospital to the room we would be in. We got me changed into a hospital gown in record time. The nurse told Bucky to help me on the table, and she gently spread my legs apart to check how dilated I was.

"Well, your baby should be here in a few hours!" The nurse exclaimed, and I squeezed onto Bucky's hand with a death grip as another contraction hit me.

"How far is she?" He asked, and the nurse looked up at him with a smile.

"6 centimeters," she replied, "usually you dilate a centimeter an hour, so I'll be back to check on you in an hour. Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing thank you," Bucky smiled, turning to me with a huge smile and kissing the top of my head.

"Bucky it hurts," I cried, "make it stop."

"Do you want me to get the nurse and ask for an epidural?" He asked quietly, tucking a strand of sweaty hair behind my ear as I squeezed my eyes shut. I could only nod as I tried to breathe, and he gave me a light kiss on the temple before calling Wanda. "Hey Maximoff," he said, "I need you to find the nurse and ask her for an epidural. She's struggling in here."

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