Found You

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"Hold, hold on, hold onto me, 'cause I'm a little unsteady, a little unsteady"

A few days went by, and the nightmares weren't getting better. I kept waking up drenched in sweat, sometimes even mid scream. Bucky was always there for me, comforting me and letting me know I was safe. But tonight was different. Bucky didn't wake up when I woke up around 2:30. I quickly sat up in our bed, even was able to climb out, trying to make my lemon water, which I surprisingly was able to do.

But it didn't work. I didn't get sleepy. And I didn't want to wake Bucky up, so I decided to just take a walk. Yes, that probably isn't the best decision but luckily Bucky woke up right as I was leaving throug the door, and he ran outside to stop me.

"Tess!" He exclaimed, his metal arm glinting in the moonlight, "sweetheart what are you doing?"

I stopped on the sidewalk, turning around with a sad smile, "I just needed to take a walk."

"Did you have another nightmare?" He asked, and I nodded my head with tears in my eyes, to which he took a few steps towards me, cupping my face in his hands, "you should have woken me up doll. I could have helped you."

"I didn't want to.."

"Why?" He asked, his eyes confused and almost hurt as to why I didn't wake him up.

"Because you don't get much sleep anyway because of me," I admitted, trying to avoid eye contact, "I thought maybe I could deal with it myself so you could get a good sleep."

His eyes softened as I spoke to him, and he gave me a sad smile, "doll, I can take a nap during the day."

"But you don't because you're too worried about me," I admitted, sniffling as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh baby," he whispered, holding me close to his chest, "I'm worried about you because I love you. And I'm okay with not getting much sleep. I'm used to it, HYDRA never gave me more than three hours, and after nightmares, that's what I get anyway."

"But you haven't had nightmares lately."

"Because I'm with you Tess," he smiled, kissing the top of my head, "you make me sleep better. And it's my job to help you sleep better."

I stayed silent after that, and he started to sway us slowly underneath the stars for a few minutes, comforting me as I tried to stop my tears from falling.

"I'll take you on a walk, just let me grab a shirt and I'll walk you up and down the block okay?" He asked, and I nodded my head into his chest as I clung onto him.

"Can we walk to the lake?" I asked, and Bucky nodded his head.

"Sure doll," he smiled, "can we walk back to the house so you don't freeze outside?"

"Okay," I whispered, and I looked up at him like a puppy, "can you carry me?"

"Do I ever say no?" He smiled, picking me up bridal style and carrying me back home so he could grab a shirt and a backpack.

He put a blanket inside of his backpack, as well as another jacket if I got cold, and put in some of my favorite snacks and a beanie before coming back out with a smile.

"Let's go darling," he smiled, taking my hand in his as he opened the door for me. I took a step back out into the cold air, letting out a shaky sigh before taking the first steps towards the lake.

"We still haven't talked about our daughters name," I said quietly, enjoying the view of our street underneath the moonlight.

"Because I thought we already had it Tess," Bucky laughed, "Theresa Natalia Barnes?"

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