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"And Daddy, I'm alone, 'cause this house don't feel like home"

A few days later, I woke up extremely sore. My limbs felt like if I were to move them, my body would snap. And while my mind was focused on the extreme soreness I had, that's when the nausea hit me.

I was going to puke, whether I wanted to or not.

I threw myself out of bed, my body screaming at me to stop moving yet also to run to the toilet at the same time. I threw myself next to the toilet, letting the sickness take over as I threw up into the porcelain throne.

I felt like shit.

I heard Bucky's confused voice as he walked into the bathroom, but upon seeing me puking in the toilet he immediately took action, holding my hair back as I let out everything I ate in the past week. When I finally let everything out, I rolled onto my butt as I flushed the toilet, starting to cry as I pulled my knees up to my chest.

I'm never sick. What the fuck?

And then it hit me. Holy shit. Could I be-


"Hey, hey don't cry baby," Bucky whispered, "you're just a little sick. That's okay."

"I feel like shit Bucky," I cried, "can you call Wanda?"

"Of course doll," he said softly, "let's get you up first huh? I'll get your toothbrush."

"No no it's okay I'll do it," I whispered, "please call Wanda and hand me the phone."

He looked at me confused, "is everything okay doll?"

"Yeah yeah," I replied, giving him a weak smile as he helped me off the floor, "I just need to ask her about a recipe mom used to make us when we were little and were sick."

"Okay baby," he smiled as he went to grab his phone as I brushed my teeth, coming back into the bathroom already speaking to who I figured was Wanda, "yeah she said she needs to talk to you specifically.... yeah yeah. Thanks Wanda." And he paused for a second before handing me the phone as I set my toothbrush down on the counter, "here doll."

"Can I have a moment alone with her?" I asked quietly, and he nodded his head with a smile.

"I'll go make you some breakfast how does that sound?" He asked, and I nodded with another weak smile. He kissed the top of my head before leaving towards the kitchen, and I placed the phone up to my ear.

"I need you to do me a favor," I whispered, and I could feel Wanda's suspicions from the other side of the phone.

"I thought you needed a recipe?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I need you to go to the store and pick me up a pregnancy test," I whispered, and she went silent.

"Do you think you're pregnant?" She asked.

"Yes... but I need you to hurry up."

"Why didn't you tell Bucky? He's your husband," she said worriedly, "are you two fighting?"

"No. I just don't want to get him excited," I whispered, "and then... it not be true you know? I think I'm going to keep it a secret until I know I'm not going to lose it."

"Honey. If you're positive," she said softly, "then you should tell him. He's the father. He should know. Unless I'm assuming-?"

"No no he would be the father," I whispered, "just fucking hurry up please? And make sure to buy more than just that so you can cover it up when you give me the bag."

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