Modern High School AU

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Newt: Junior

Tina: Sophomore

Queenie: Freshman

Jacob: Sophomore

Theseus: Senior

Eulalie: Senior

Dumbledore: trusted teacher EVERYONE loves

Leta: dead 😢😢


Newt rolled over in bed and lay there, staring at the photo on his nightstand. The photo was of his late best friend and his brother's late girlfriend, Leta Lestrange. She'd been killed in a mysterious fire the previous summer. He was uncertain how the year would go without her as no one else really enjoyed Newt's company.

"Newt!" he heard his brother, Theseus, call up, "Newt, get up!"

Newt dragged himself out of bed. Once he was ready and put on a brave face and got in the car for school.


Tina woke up that morning, staring at the underside of a bunkbed. She and her sister had just been relocated again thanks to her. If only she could control her temper, they wouldn't be in this situation.

Tina sat up and immediately backed down to her pillow. Holding her head, she rolled out of bed and stood up. The girl she was sharing a room with lay fast asleep in the top bunk. Tina rolled her eyes and pulled on some clothes. She rushed down the stairs to try and head out the door early, but her new foster mother was standing in the kitchen with breakfast.

"Morning, Tina." she said without looking up from the stove. Tina backed away from the door and walked to the kitchen table. Her foster mother looked up at her for a moment, "Quinn still asleep?"

Tina nodded. They looked around when they heard the sound of the stairs creaking. Queenie rounded the corner. She smiled at their foster mother and greeted her good morning. She then scowled slightly at her sister. Tina swallowed in shame. Queenie had just gotten settled in before Tina ruined it by getting into fight and then expelled.

They were just about to leave for school when they heard the creaking of the stairs again and Quinn emerged, with her backpack slung over her shoulder. Her mother tossed her a banana.

"Make sure you show Tina and Queenie around, Quinn." she advised her daughter.

Quinn sighed, "I understand."

Quinn beckoned to the door with her head. The three girls left for school.


Newt sat in the corner of the commons area; his chin slumped in his hands. He scanned the crowds of students flooding in and reuniting with their friends. His brother walked up to him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"How're you doing, Newt?" he asked.

Newt shrugged, but before he could answer, his eye caught onto a girl that had just walked through the front doors. She had dark hair and dark eyes. She walked next to a girl with blonde hair and another girl he'd seen a little bit.

"Who's that?" Newt asked, regarding the dark-haired girl.

Theseus followed Newt's eyeline. He shook his head.

"Don't think about it, Newton." he warned.

Newt tried to protest, but Theseus was already gone. Newt focused his eyes back to the girl, but he was suddenly interrupted by a voice directly beside his ear.

"Hi." it said.

Newt looked to his right. A boy, maybe a year younger than him with brown hair and brown eyes, said there smiling.

"Hello." Newt said, his voice small.

The boy stuck out his hand, "Jacob Kowalski. I'm new here."

Newt stared at Jacob's hand for a moment before taking it and shaking.

"Newt Scamander." Newt said to him.

The bell rang and Newt and Jacob parted ways. Little did they know, they just became best friends.


Tina looked at her schedule. This school was quite a bit larger than the one they used to go to and she couldn't find any of the classrooms she was in. She tried asking other people in her grade,  but they stared at her like she was scary.

Guess it comes from taking a class that wasn't intended for your grade level, right? Tina eventually found someone who was going to the same place and followed them. She entered the classroom and immediately felt her heart drop. She knew it was a class originally intended for juniors, but now that she was in that room SURROUNDED by them, she felt awkward.

Like she didn't belong.

She went and sat in the back of the room and placed her arms on the desk and her head in her arms. She looked up when she felt a slight prod on her shoulder. A boy was blue eyes, light brown almost ginger hair, and a face full of freckles smiled wide.

"I'm Newt Scamander. And you are?"

Tina looked down his hand, which still slightly extended in the air, before meeting his eye. She normally didn't make friends, but this boy gave the sense of comfort and safety.

"Tina Goldstein. Nice to meet you."

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