Evelyn Scarlett

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Evelyn skipped around the dining table singing a little song. Joseph had just sent his family a letter telling them about the feast and his first impressions of Hogwarts. Evelyn had gotten it from the owl and almost brought it down to her parents, but remembered that they had told her to wait upstairs. There was a new beast down there and he wasn't the best around people; they didn't want Evelyn hurt.

Evelyn looked down when she felt something scratching her foot, only to see Pumpernickel begging for attention. Evelyn giggled and sat on the floor to pet him. Her parents came up from the basement just then and Evelyn jumped up, holding the letter.

"Joey sent a letter! Joey sent a letter!" she shrieked excitedly.

The three sat on the couch and Newt read aloud the contents of Joseph's letter.

'Dear Mum, Dad, and Evelyn,

I already miss home. The train ride was nice. A met a boy named Charles who's a Metamorphmagus and he turned his hair electric red. When we got to the school, the wind kind of started to pick up and my boat tipped.

The giant squid saved us, according to someone who was in the boat closest to us. Her name was Poppy Lantview. I was sorted into Ravenclaw and so was Poppy. I do wish Charles was, but he was put in Slytherin. I guess that makes sense, because when I met him, he was extremely confident.

Poppy's nice. She and I had a pleasant conversation during the feast. She lives in Dorset, too. On the other side of town, grant it, but it's nice to know I live so close to a friend.

I'll stay on top of my classes and make friends, though.

Take care,


Newt folded the letter up. Evelyn ran to one end of the room and back "I can't wait until I go to Hogwarts!" she exclaimed excitedly. Her leg hit the side of the coffee table and a vase toppled over and smashed on the ground "Oh no! I'm sorry!"

Tina waved her wand and fixed the vase. Then, she held out her arms to Evelyn "It's okay, Evie. Accidents happen. Come here."

Evelyn hugged Tina and smiled. She sat on the couch next to her parents and read The Secret Garden, occasionally turning to one of her parents and asked them how to pronounce the Yorkshire words.

Newt eventually disappeared back into the basement to work with the new creature. After a while, Evelyn nodded off to sleep a little; dropping her book to the floor. Tina shook her a little bit and held her hand as she went off to bed.

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