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I can't believe he knows but won't tell me. Me, his bestest friend in the whole wide world.

He refuses to tell anyone.

"Listen, Mase. You've got to say who you think it is, we need to know before it ruins our whole plan!" Jay said, clearly annoyed by our younger friend here.

Here we sit, in our rundown room with only a few people around.

"I'm not saying until I know for sure." He looked more pale than usual, a sickly kind.

"Are you feeling okay, Mase?" I questioned, putting my palm to his forehead which he was quick to push me away.

"I'm great!"

I put my hands on his shoulders and violently shook him. "Tell me right now!"

Too bad my demands were not successful. I am not good at this thing I guess.

"Get off me, Jax." He groaned, attempting to shove me away once again.

He is being so annoying right now.

At this point, we are in month three and I have a bad feeling about this all, like it isn't going to go the way we want it to. Nothing really goes the way we want it to though, does it?

I'm not as stressed as I'm supposed to be though, in the end Lenny will get what he deserves. Prison wasn't a good enough punishment, the justice system failed us all.

"Earth to Jaxton?" Mason waved his dirty hand infront of my face.


"Were going to go over 'Operation Kidnap Lenny', you'll be roleplaying as the girl." Jay snickered.

"Why can't Mase be the girl, it's his girl anyways." I scoffed, I'm not playing a fucking girl.

"You look like more of a girl than Mason does. You're definitely a bottom." Some other guy chimed in from the other side of the table.

I'll throw myself over it if I need to.

"Like fuck I do! I am not a bottom." I huffed.

"Why don't you come back to the room with me, Big boy." I said with my high pitched voice, batting my eyelashes.

"She doesn't talk like that." Mason called out.

"Shut the fuck up, Mason. This is why you weren't going to be there." Jay slapped Mason behind the head as they stood stationary in the corner.

Big head and I walked towards "the bedroom" which was just another corner of the room. He pretended to shut the door behind him, two other guys hunched over a few steps away from us.

Big head reached for me as planned but before he could get closed, I moved out the way and the two guys jumped up and attempted to grab him.

Big head fought them off and they failed so we tried again. This time another two, then another and another until someone had successfully caught big head.

"I thought these guys were supposed to be experts." I shook my head at the master planner, Jay himself.

"They are, Lenny won't be as strong as Big head is."

We continued to go over it, thinking about every possibility we could come up with.

"Alright, swoop in and take your girl without being spotted."

Mason moved swiftly and quietly, I stood near the "door" as instructed that was Mason would be able to open the door and get me out.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of there. I practically jumped onto him, wrapping my arms around his big shoulders. "My hero!"

"Shut up." He laughed, pushing me off him.

"That was a good run boys, we need to make sure we a prepared for everything and anything. We take Lenny and everyone keeps eyes on the girl until Mason has gotten her out safe. Big head, you'll be with him."

Jay went over everything again, the things were have heard a thousand times already but it's better to be over prepared than under prepared.

By the time it had hit midnight, we had just finished practicing with our choice of weapons, tying knots and how to hold our own if we were to be attacked.

I felt like I was at some boys scout camp.

We were all cleaning up and packing things into bags when Jay's phone went off. It was the inside man who had somehow gotten the trust from all over Lenny and his group of monkeys.

Once he had hung up, "two weeks on good behaviour apparently."

That asshole was getting out in two weeks, which is a lot earlier than expected but we were ready for it.

Ready for anything.


Sorry these haven't been on time! There may or may not be an update until two weeks. I'm going away this Saturday and unless I write on the way there and back (not sure because i get car sick and its a 11 hour drive) I will have a couple updates for you :)

Thank you for being patient and for waiting!

Stay Safe 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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