Chapter 10

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"So...he doesn't know your name?"


"And why don't you tell him"

"Well, mother~ where is the fun in that?"

"Oh~ I'm liking you more and more"


It was a mistake.


I did not expect this to happen, and I will admit, I had the foolish thought, that infinitesimal moment in which I stupidly smiled at the notion.


A girl asked for my number! I thought. It's Ramen-chan, but what boy wouldn't be happy that a girl asked for his number? Cringing at the memory, I can only facepalm at my past self. I had no delusions nor ulterior motives about Ramen-chan, since early on we both revealed our thoughts on the matter, but still, she was cute and asked for my number. My teenage brain romanticized everything and Ramen-chan being who she is, made fun of me for that. It was part of the course and everything went according to our usual play.

But I didn't think that those actions would culminate in this.


The first messages were nice, funny and all the cringy stuff you could expect from her, I responded in kind. I, being me, put care and thought to every single word and answer I wrote, the middle school me had returned for a moment, and I was smiling like a fool.

Then came her sixtieth message, her hundredth message, her five-hundredth message.

At some point in between them, I remembered —much too late— that Ramen-chan wasn't like the middle-school girls that ignored me and didn't answer.

She was the opposite.


"Would you kindly stop" deprived of the last ounce of patience I answered the call "Don't you think that eighty unnaswered messages kind of send you, I don't know, some kind of signal?"

"Did you really think a Bioshock reference would stop me? What? Did you brainwash me? Am I your son?"

"Wouldn't it be 'daughter'?"

"Maa maa, you still haven't checked, you never know~"

"A futa? Are you futa-chan?"

"Aren't you taking the joke too far"

Scary~ I can feel your dark energy from the other side Ramen-chan, you gotta keep your killer intent hidden.

The thing about Ramen-chan —and I don't know how I didn't see this coming— is that she started texting me as soon as she got my contact info, and I mean, she was in front of me when she sent me the first message. I laughed, thought —foolishly— that it was some kind of joke.

Well, the jokes on me, apparently.

"Ramen-chan, you're really lonely, aren't you?"

"Where did that come from?!"

She hasn't stopped texting me all day, I tried to be polite, answered the first few messages, then it became bothersome, then irritating, and finally, I decided to simply ignore it. It will probably go away, I thought, she's just bored, I tried to understand.

Then the calls started, that's when I realized that she really didn't have anyone else to bother...probably.

"Don't you have friends?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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