Chapter 4

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Alex POV

That fucking prick. I'm so lonely. So unbelievably fucking lonely. Why can't he see that? You read books and watch movies growing up about soul mates and finding the one, I though that was what I'd found in Eddie, I thought he was my one. But sadly, I'm also certain that I was mistaken.

I walk for what seems like hours but really it's only about 20minutes before I end up at the park and plant myself down on a bench that overlooks the river.

I never cry, and I really don't want to, but I'm so frustrated I almost want to rip my own hair out. Leaning forward with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands, I close my eyes and take a deep breath for the second time today.

I hear a branch snap to my right before I see a figure emerge. I can't make out their face, or even if they're male or female in the dim moonlight but judging by the way they're walking, I'm going to assume it's a man.

They move closer and stop a couple of yards away from me

"Mind if I sit?" The figure asks in a deep gravely voice, I sit up and lean my back against the bench shrugging my shoulders

"Sure" I answer him

He sits down next to me, almost mirroring my position

"You ok?" He questions, concern lacing his voice. It's been so long since anyone has given a shit about me, or even just asked me if I'm ok

I huff out a laugh before answering "No. No I'm not really"

"You wonna talk about it?"

"Why? You wonna hear about it?" I quip back, he chuckles and says "If it's gonna help, then yeah. I'd like to know what's wrong"

So I tell him everything, I just pour it all out. I don't know why, but I can't stop myself. I tell him all about the weight loss and how I though that would make Eddie love me more, about how lonely I feel and how unloved. He doesn't say anything, doesn't interrupt, just lets me talk. Once I've finished I let out a deep breath, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I held it all in for so long that I didn't realise what letting it out would feel like. He finally talks...

"I can't pretend to know what you're feeling, but I will tell you what I think you already know. You should leave him, not for 'someone better' " he air quotes and I chuckle "but for yourself. Find yourself, figure out who you are and what you like doing, what makes you, you. Get a dog, I dunno. But there's no reason why someone as beautiful as you, inside and out might I add, should be this unhappy"

I feel my eyes pool with tears and before I can stop them they start falling, he notices immediately. I hate crying, I hardly ever cry! But his words just hit me right in the heart

"Hey, hey don't cry. I'm sorry" he says wrapping me up in his massive arms and for the first time in a long time I feel listened to

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be crying. Thank you, so much" I say lifting my head from his chest and giving him my best smile. He stares into my eyes for what feels like eternity and I can't bring myself to look away.

He breaks the spell we were under and kisses my forehead before pulling my head back onto his chest and we just sit there, wrapped up in each others arms for what feels like years but is probably only minutes before his phone starts ringing

"Sorry sweetheart , I've gotta take this" he mumbles before untangling himself and walking away abit. I can't hear what's being said and a few moments later he comes back

"I've got to go. Club shit" he huffs, running his hands down his face and running them back up to push through his hair. That's when I notice the cut. He's the man from the store earlier today! Oh god, I've been cuddled up on a park bench with a god!

"Here. This is my number. If you ever need anything, anytime of day. Call me" he says handing me a card with his name and number on and when I look up, he's gone. Just like that.

The LionessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora