Chapter 7

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                                     Alex POV

I turned my head to look at him and caught Wrench's eye, who I hadn't noticed was sat in the back corner until now. He looked at me, an indecipherable look in his eyes as he stared straight at me, and then suddenly he was glaring at Eddie. If looks could kill, Eddie would be in a pool of goo on the floor.

I hadn't realised Eddie was still talking to me until now though "hey! Are you even listening?" He whisper shouts at me

"Sorry, zoned out for a moment there"  But he turned round and noticed the group of bikers sat in the back, he mainly noticed Wrench because he was staring "what the fucks he looking at?" He growled out as he turned back to me

"No idea, let's sit in a booth. I've already ordered" I answer, trying to distract him from the delicious specimen that is Wrench. I really ought to learn his real name, there's no way that's it.

Now I know what you're thinking, you've got a boyfriend, why the hell are you drooling over someone else? Truth be told, I wouldn't. I had never looked at another man in the entire time I'd been with Eddie, not once. But the way he'd made me feel these last few months? Like he didn't care about me and I was just in the way? I felt like I was over it. They say women fall too soon and men fall too late. It felt like I'd given Eddie my all and he'd thrown it back in my face, and now the tables had turned and I had pulled away from him? It was different.

Where I had never said a word or complained about his lack of loving, that was all he seemed to do now. For years I'd wanted him to hold my hand while driving, or kiss me when he got home from work, or even just slap my ass as he walked passed me! Now I was a miserable bitch because I wouldn't hold his hand in the car, or because I got grumpy when he slapped my ass. But most of the time when he wanted a cuddle or something now, I was busy! I was in the middle of cooking or cleaning or getting ready to go out

He'd been saying things like 'you don't have time for me now you have a job' or 'you've always got something better to do' which didn't sit right with me. It wasn't true. I liked making my own money, it made me feel good. I could buy whatever I wanted without feeling guilty for spending money that I didn't earn. I shouldn't be made to feel bad because I'd gotten a job, should I? Is spoken to a couple of friends who had said that maybe he felt emasculated because I didn't need him anymore, but I never had. I didn't see the problem.

The house work was still done, his clothes were still washed, nothing had changed except I was out instead of in the house bored all day. If I hadn't told him I had a job he probably never would have known. He was gone before I was and he was back after me. The way he was acting made no sense.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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