Chapter 6

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                                    Alex POV

I hadn't thought much about the handsome biker since that night on the park bench, well, I had, but not half as much as I was willing to admit.

So I'd spent the last few weeks focusing on myself and of course my new little bestie, alright. Not so little bestie. Something that weighs over 100lbs could hardly be referenced to as little.

But now that id seen him again, Wrench. I couldn't get him out of my head. It had been a couple of days since I saw him at the diner, I could text him but I didn't even know what to say

It's been so long since I've spoken to someone else that I wouldn't even know where to start, the whole thing boggles my brain.

I was still considering buying shares in Duracell because my vibrator was obviously still being used. I don't think I'd ever not used it to be honest. Even when things with Eddie had been good to begin with, he had more chance of finding nemo than my clit.

The sexual frustration was real! So I ran, working out was just about the only thing that took my mind off the fact that I hadn't been touched intimately for about 8 months now.

So here I was once again, feet pounding the tarmac road, heading towards the diner with my trusty sidekick. That dog could run! He kept up with me no matter how many miles I ran and he'd still have energy to burn! I'd adopted Pig from an animal shelter two weeks after my talk with Mr.Handsome biker and it's the best thing I've ever done.

Well, that and getting a job. I'd started baking cakes which I bought to Rita's diner on a Monday and I was also making custom cakes for weddings, birthdays and baby showers. You name what you want and I'll make it.

Eddie wasn't best pleased that I bought home a dog or that I was making my own money but i was and still am past caring what that man thinks!

The first thing I noticed as I rounded the corner towards the diners parking lot was the line of shiny motorbikes parked out front, slowing my run to a light jog and then a walk I take a large gulp of my water whilst directing Pig in the direction of the water bowl sat outside the front of the diner

I command him to sit and stay whilst I stroll into the diner

"You got my boy with you?" Rita asked immediately as I entered

"Out front" I pointed behind me, still panting slightly then plopping myself into a stool along the counter

With my arms crossed on the bar top and my head hanging, I tried to catch my breath. The bell above the door jingled and I knew it was Rita coming back in from seeing to Pig

"You're gonna collapse if you keep doing all this running" Rita chastises me

I kept my head down but lifted my hand and waved it in the air dismissively

She chuckled before asking what I wanted to eat

"Bacon, eggs and toast please. And a coffee!"

I still had my head down, almost falling asleep at the bar when a familiar voice called out to me. I groaned in irritation and lifted my head, not turning to look at him

"What do you want?" I ask in a less than friendly tone

"I see you're still being a bitch?" Eddie questions

Fucking twat. Since I'd started making my own money and stopped being cooped up in the house constantly, Eddie had started being weird. Constantly phoning me or turning up in places I was, or just tagging along where he didn't need to. He'd never been grocery shopping with me before and suddenly he wanted me to wait until he'd finished work and we could go together

"I thought we could have breakfast together? I took the morning off so we could spend some time together" I hadn't answered his question about 'still being a bitch' I wasn't being a bitch, I was just over his bullshit.

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