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Chapter 2 is finally out!! This took me forever to finish and 2 monsters later!

I woke up in a room that looked very plain, it smelt like lysol and bleach. There's no one in sight, the only things in the room are a singular twin sized bed with grey sheets that is directly across from the door that is most likely locked. I get up from the floor where I was so rudely thrown, and twist the doorknob, half thinking that it will be locked because who kidnaps someone just to leave the door unlocked. Apparently this guy.

Before fully walking out of the room I look both ways as if I am going to cross the street. All I see are more doors that look like mine. This place looks like a hotel of some sort. I don't know if leaving my door unlocked is a mistake or my kidnapper meant to leave the door like that. But I am not going to waste my precious time thinking about something inconvenient.

I decided to head left, since the halls looked identical. I start sprinting down the hall, looking for something other than doors that look identical except from a number on every single one. My room was number 69, and if I ever get out of here my chat will most definitely hear about this, I mean the irony.

Suddenly, I hear loud footsteps, and someone is running just like me. Maybe I'm not the only one here. I look back to see if the person is running in the opposite direction, but I'm met with someone with a gun chasing me. Ah fuck. I turn back around and run as fast as I can. From the small glance that I got of him, he fits the description of who kidnapped me. Strong, that's pretty much it. I didn't see much from when he kidnapped me.

He has brown hair that is tied into a little man bun, he looks like what a warrior from the 1800's would look like minus the armour. His hair is dark and he looks around 6 foot if not shorter. I feel my heart hammer inside my chest, it feels like it is going to explode if I run any longer. Maybe I should just give up and let the handsome man take me. I quickly decided against that idea, no matter how good it looked, and continued sprinting my lungs out.

Soon the hallway that seemed would never end, ended. Fuck. I have nowhere else to run and the warrior man knows that too. I hear a faint chuckle come from the man, almost like he is taunting me with the irony. I'm still running and fast and I looked behind me for what I thought was a split second and ran right into the wall.

I fall over backwards and I feel my back ache from the contact. My breathing has slowed whatsoever, and my heart is still banging in my chest. I shuffle to move up against the wall, as far away from the warrior man as possible, as he cockily walks up to me like he owns the world.

"You are a hard one to catch, man" the warrior said to me. I give him thumbs up because of how tired I am and the fact that I still can't think properly. Once I finally caught my breath I asked him "Where am I?" He looks around before making eye contact with me again.

"Your new home." He responded bluntly. That must have been his twisted way of saying that I am never leaving this place. Great. After staring at me for what seemed like forever, he put his gun away and grabbed my arm.

"There's a TV in your room, where the master will explain what you are doing here." He said, like it was his 500th time saying this exact thing. It might be. We started walking back to room 69, when he looked over at me and said "Are you Georgenotfound?" The nerve on this man to not only kidnap me but also ask me if I am georgenotfound. Ugh this man pisses me off. "And what if I am. Will you let me go?" He chuckles a little before responding "Can't do that master will kill me", he pauses for whatever reason.

Who the hell is he calling master and why does he have a master kink? The people here are weird as fuck. "I'm a fan. Before I kidnapped you, I watched your stream with corpse." This is definitely the weirdest fan interaction ever. I can already see how chat would react. 'Georgenotfound fan kidnaps him' I internally chuckle at my stupid humour.

Once we make it to my room he turns me to him and says "I hope you win. I'd hate to see you die." For once this man actually seems genuine. I hate myself for doing this but as I see him walk away I shout "What's your name?" He turns his head and replies "You can call me quackity."

What kinda weird ass name is that? I'm not calling you that, you will remain warrior man. I don't even think about running again, my legs hurt, and I am still catching my breath from before. I go back into room 69 and look around the room for a tv. Finally my eyes land on a tv mounted to the wall behind the bed.

After a while of staring at the black screen, an old man appears on the screen with a smile too genuine for him to be sane. "Hello new recruits! Welcome to the dsmp battles! It is a bunch of battles to the death, many of you have already heard this about a million times, but we have someone new today! His name is George Founders.(really original last name)"

Battles to the death? I am not a fighter, I cried all the way home when an 11 year old girl took my lunch money when I was in 8th grade. I can't even remember the last time I even threw a punch at someone let alone kill them. "The fight list will be on the wall outside the lunch area!"

Where's the lunch area? Should I try to go find it now? Yep. I'm so done listening to this old man right now. I walk out of my room and look both ways again. I'm going to go right this time, maybe I'll see warrior man again.

After a while of walking, seeing nothing but the same closed doors, I see one that is open. "You know what they say Nick, when one door closes another one opens" I roll my eyes and before I could stop myself I say. "That is not scientifically possible", with the best attitude I could muster up.

The blonde guy turns around with the angriest face that I have ever seen. It made me smile. "Do you know who I am?" He said as he gritted his teeth. "No and I don't care, blondie." He walked out of his room and I see who I am assuming is Nick saying "ooh damn" with a fist up to his mouth.

Blondie gets really close to my face, to anyone that saw it would look like he was going to kiss me. If he did I wouldn't complain, blondie is hot. "I'm the number one here." I roll my eyes again, and say "Not for long." I take a deep breath and continue "Now I got to go." I started walking away and I turned and flipped him off and said "I hope I don't see you again, blondie."

With that I left, looking for the lunch area. I'm walking for much longer because I finally found it. I really should have gone right when I was trying to escape. I look around me thinking that no one is there when I see warrior man looking at the wall.

Wow what an interesting wall! I rolled my eyes for the third time today, and made my way to the exit. "Don't think about it george." I hear him say as he turns to me. I sigh and say "fineeeee, where's the battle thingy? '' Warrior man chuckles at my stupidity, before tilting his head to where he was looking.

The paper has in huge letters "Battle dates!" I start reading down and I see my name first on the list, fighting someone named James. (I wanted to use a dsmp name but didn't want george to kill anyone you guys cared about yet)

"Fuck, Shit, Bi-" warrior man cut me off of my curses and said "James is easy." He paused looking around before continuing with "you didn't hear this from me, in his last fight someone injured his back terribly. Strike there." I nodded my head and said "Thanks warrior man" He snapped his head over to me before laughing uncontrollably, it was almost contagious. Almost.

I look back at the paper for the date, and it says april 1st, tomorrow.

Hello guys!!

You are loved and thank you so much for reading this fanfic!!!


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