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No tw

I feel the pit in my stomach grow immensely. I will be fighting the best fighter that this place has to offer. I turned my head to the TV above my bed, that must have been what the 1 one the screen meant. I was in district one, the same one as Clay. Suddenly I remember the story he told me about fundy. "Are you going to kill me?" I ask, my voice is not above a whisper.

He lets go of my face and hugs me, "No I refuse to kill you." His words are muffled, due to his face being pressed into my chest. I hugged him back. "We need a plan." I said. He let go of me and said "I know." "Have you tried asking your dad?" I ask, letting the information out on accident. I doubt he will mind.

"So Nick told you..." he said, not angrily. "He thought I already knew." I defend Nick by saying. "That won't work, my dad seems to thrive on my suffering. We need a plan to escape." Clay came to the conclusion.

"Quackity might be able to help, he has taken a liking to me." I say. Clay nods his head while grabbing my hand. "We need to find Nick and Quackity, come on." Clay drags me out of my room and into the hall. We take a left, the same direction I went when Quackity started chasing me. That was around a month or two ago. Time doesn't seem like a thing in this place.

"Once we get to a room numbered 7, Clay knocks on the door. I'm assuming that this is Nick's place, I never knew where it was until now. It took Nick a while to open the door, his eyes furrowing in confusion as he saw me. "He knows Nick." Clay tells him, walking into the room. I followed closely behind.

"Should I get Quackity to help?" I ask. They both nod in my direction, and I leave the apartment "I'll be back soon." I don't have a plan, I have no idea where Quackity spends his free time. Then it hit me, I'm going to try to run away, last time that happened Quackity chased me. I started sprinting towards the lunch room.

At first I heard nothing but my footsteps and heavy breathing until I heard "Ayo Gogy wait up, man." Goal. I stop running only to see that Quackity isn't alone, he's with damn- i mean he's with sam. I take a moment catching my breath before I politely ask to talk to Quackity alone. "Sam has to follow me everywhere now, the master thinks I'm working with the people, but don't worry he's chill." I sure hope so.

"Come on guys, we're going to Nicks." I say. Sam doesn't question anything, in fact he walks a little behind us so we can talk. "Clay, Nick and I are planning an escape." I whisper. "You should ask Sam about that, rumor goes around that he helped Clay's sister escape all of those years ago." Oh my god, I've only heard from Clay that his sister escaped, I always thought she worked alone, I guess not.

Once we get to room number 7, I knock. Immediately Clay opens the door, he looks around spotting Sam. "He can help trust me." I say. It's clear that Clay doesnt know how his sister escaped, now is as good of a time as ever. "Come on in, everyone." Clay says before getting out of the way, so we can enter.

"Sam, did you actually help Clay's sister escape?" I whisper to Sam while everyone is distracted. "Yes." He responds. Perfect. "Say it." I say before sitting next to Clay on Nick's bed. Sam clears his throat, making everyone's attention go to him. "Clay, you know how Nina left around 5 years ago." He started. I looked at Clay for his response, he nodded his head while saying "Yes."

"Everyone thought she did it alone. That's not true, I helped her escape." Everyone looked shocked except Me and Quackity. "Wait really dude! Do you know where she is?" Clay questions. "Sorry, man, I just helped her out." I can see disappointment flow through Clay. I grab his hand for comfort.

I hate to see Clay disappointed even if it's not with me. "I can't do much because my master already thinks I'm working with you guys." I hear Quackity tell the others. My brain can't seem to find a good plan, only trash ones that are sure to fail.

His soul is so pure, yet so damaged. The way he laughs at my jokes makes me believe he has the perfect life, the perfect family. Yet everytime I see him in the battle arena all of those thoughts disappear into thin air. I wish I could just disappear.

I'm glad I came here though, I needed Clay and Nick in my life, and for some reason this is the way God put them there. I would pay millions of dollars for us to meet in a different way. Maybe at Vidcon or even at the grocery store.

I started thinking back about the day Quackity took me, and to think that now he is helping me escape this hell hole. I wonder if this is what hell feels like, having everything I ever wanted in the same room as me, but with a burning hole of fire shooting us in the hearts.

"I have an idea." I hear Nick say to my right after a lot of awkward silence. "What if Sam told the master that there is a fire in my room, and that he needs help putting it out before it spreads to the entire building." We all take a moment of silence thinking about Nick's idea, on one hand it will get the master away from the screen so he cant see me and Clay escape. At least that's what Quackity told me.

"That's a good idea, but Clay and I still need a way out of the fencing all around us." That's when the perfect plan hit me. It will take some planning to foolproof it, we can use up our last 5 days for that.

I tell everyone my plan in a lot of detail, almost like I was writing a book for them to read. (couldn't be me) It took a bit of convincing but soon everyone hopped on board except Clay. I look at him nervously, looking for the 'ok'. He looks back at me skeptical at first. "We can spend the next few days making small changes so the plan is foolproof okay?"

He seems hesitant at first, maybe it's not because of my plan but the idea of being free. Would he know what to do in his life after escaping? Hopefully he can stay with me, in my bed. He could cuddle me in the morning, then complain about having to get up once the alarm goes off.

'Okay. I'm in." Clay says. "Not in front of us ewwww." Nick says, making us all laugh at his lame attempt to make this situation less serious. I wish Clay was in. No, bad brain. Right now is not the time for hornyness.

For what it's worth, I hope this plan works. For Clay.

Hello everyone.

Sorry for the short chapters, I'm starting school up again after spring break and I want to put out as many chapters as I can.

Remember to drink water and eat food

You are loved


Till death do us part //dnf\\Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin