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Tw: Gore, and mention of sexual topics

Clay swung his sword down on the poor girl, hardly missing as she dodges his strike. Just by observing her you can see that he is quick but not very strong. She has her dark purple hair tied in a bun, with two strands let out loose for style.

Her hits are slow, and sloppy. Clay can tell when she is about to strike him before she does it. I don't think she knows that she steps in the direction of where she is going to hit. Clay dodges every one of her attempts to hit him. "Hot." I whisper under my breath, hoping no one heard it. Nick sure did "That's exactly what Clay said when you did the cool jump off the wall hahaha." I feel myself turn red from his words.

She has a dagger, the same one that I used to kill James. It's completely clean, no spots of blood on it except her own. Clay scraped her arm with his sword. She didn't scream like I thought she would, she is actually really tough. Even James screamed more than her.

She is losing her quickness, Clay is getting cockier. She threw her dagger at him as a last resort, same as I did. Maybe she watched me fight and thought it would end the same way? News flash, that didn't happen. Clay easily dodged the knife and evilly smirked.

If he hadn't been crying while holding me an hour ago then I would have thought he was crazy. I see the girl with purple hair start to cry, accepting her fate. She got down on her knees and started begging Clay for mercy. I couldn't help but feel bad for her, lastly I see Clay whisper to her something with the words "painless for you" which I'm assuming his full sentence was "I'll make it painless for you don't worry."

Clays a nice guy, forced to do something so horrible by no one other than his father. Talk about a screwed up family.

In one fluid motion he moves forward plunging the knife into her frail body. Blood is gushing out of her stomach and getting on Clay's hand that remains on the handle of the sword. It looks so red, so gross.

Clay pulls the sword out, and slowly walks over to where her knife ended up after she threw it. While he picked it up he heard the "Congratulations Clay you have won!" up on the TV. He wasn't happy that he won, I don't know how many times he has had to do this. How many times has Clay told someone that he'll make their death as painless as he can? Too many for only being 19 years old.

It surprises me how well he can pretend he is okay outside the arena. He is good at masking his emotions, it honestly scares me a little. I turn to Nick who has a bitter-sweet smile on his face as he sees his best friend silently mourn the person he just killed.

Everyone is piling out of the viewing area, just waiting to go home. Apparently going to these fights are mandatory and to anyone that doesn't go gets an extra fight a week. Looks like I'm going to every single one of these. Nick and I are one of the last people out, everyone was shoving us so we just decided to wait until the crowd was gone.

I looked up at the TV and saw huge words that took up the entire huge screen. It said "Minx did not make it to district leader, for she is now dead by the holder of district one." I'm assuming the girl with purple hair was named minx. What is this about districts? Does this place have a system of best fighters?

I'll ask Nick when we are alone. I look around myself for Nick, he must have left when I was looking at the TV, but instead of finding my brown haired friend, I see one with short pastel pink hair. It could only reach her shoulders. She was crying, she must have known minx.

I walked over to her and placed by hand on her back for comfort, she snapped her head towards me but calmed down as soon as she saw who I'm or who I'm not. "Hey are you okay?" I ask the obvious question. She wipes her tears with her sleeve, before saying "Not really that was my best friend, the one with purple hair."

"I'm so sorry for your loss. How long have you known her?" She rubs her eyes and takes some time to think before responding with "Ever since I got here, so about..." she stops for a second, thinking about how long she had actually been here. "3 months I believe."

"Oh dang that's a long time I'm so sorry." I say, it's not my fault that I have never really comforted someone before, so I can't help it that I'm awkward as hell. "George!" I hear Nick's voice. "Hey I gotta go, I hope to see you around some time." I say as I start leaving. "Thank you George! My name's Niki, see you around." I nodded my head and left to catch up to Nick.

I just made a new friend, I can finally prove my high school teachers wrong. "Who were you talking to?" Nick says, smirking. "Im gay nick." I pause, and I watch him start laughing at my bluntness. "And her name is Niki, she was the friend of minx." He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. Oh god what now?

"It's not a good idea to learn their names george." He says. "Which district are you in?" Nick asks me out of nowhere. "I don't know, what about you." I see Clay in the distance, waiting for us."2" he responds with. We walked the rest of the way in complete silence.

I can't help but feel nervous, what if I'm in district 2 or worse. What if I'm in district 1 with Clay? Would he kill me like he did Fundy? No he wouldn't. Yeah I'll just convince myself of that.

"George!" I lifted my head from looking at the floor and saw Clay engulf me in a bear hug. He hugs me so tight that I can hardly breathe.

'Not the kind of choking I like clay.' I think to myself, or so I thought. "Hahaha what?!" Clay wheezes in my ear, and drops down to the floor for support. I'm left standing with cheeks redder than minx's blood. Once Clay recovers from his wheezing fit and stands up, he whispers in my ear "Good to know."

I feel my cheeks get even redder, the only thing I can hear is Clay's words on repeat. "Come on" He says as he leads me inside his room.

"Are you guys finally done fucking?" I hear Nick say. He is sitting on the corner of Clay's bed. "No Clay freaking edged me." I retorted. Clay starts wheezing again while trying to get the words "no I didnt" out.

Maybe tonight isn't going to be that bad. Hopefully after Nick leaves Clay will fuck me. Just hopefully.


It's now 1am and Nick finally left. Right now Clay and I are laying down on our backs right next to each other. "What was your life like before you came here?" I asked the question, I have been dying to know.

"I didn't have one." He paused, turning his head towards me, and I did the same. "What do you mean? Were you always here?" I ask again. Demanding answers. "Yes I didnt start fighting until I was 16, around 2 years after my sister left."

Clay has been fighting people to the death for around 3 years now every week. That can't be good for his mental health. "Oh my god. I had no idea. What do you mean your sister left?" He intertwined our fingers together and held them up for him to see. "She escaped 5 years ago, my father has been looking for her ever since."

So somewhere in the world, Clay's sister is. I might have bumped into her, she might have watched my stream. There are endless possibilities on where she can be. Who knows if she is even alive.

"Do you ever think we are going to escape?" I ask. He doesn't respond for a little while, thinking about what he is going to say. "Eventually. I hope when we do, we can find Nina."

"Let's go to sleep, you had a long day." I say, not knowing what else to respond with." Clay lets go of my hand and turns off the light on his nightstand. He cuddles into me the same he did the night before.

We should plan our escape, we could bring Nick and Niki. In our dream world, we make it out of here. Since when do we live in our fantasy worlds, we never do.

Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading this chapter

Remember to drink water and get some fresh air

You are loved


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