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Tw: mention of violence

I woke up with sweat rolling down my back for the second time in one week. New record! This time I didn't go crying to Clay like I normally would. I feel like my entire world is falling apart. I look over my shoulder at the time on the clock, it's 6:00 am.

I'm going to get breakfast, I know I can't go back to sleep so what's the point of just sitting in bed on the verge of tears. I left my apartment in my pajamas that I put on the night before. (I forgot to mention that everyone has the same clothes on) Once I got to the lunch room, I ordered a small breakfast, I felt sick.

Instead of bringing the food home like I did last time, I sat at a table furthest in the corner. I wanted to cry, I hope I don't see Niki. I don't think I could face her knowing that I'll have to kill her within the day.

After I finish eating my food, I can't find the will to get up, so I just put my head down on the table and started to think. I've done too much thinking these past few days. Mostly about Clay, I wonder what his issue is?

Did I do something wrong? I get interrupted by my thoughts when I hear crying in the corner. I know who it is without having to lift my head. It's Niki, I'm assuming she just found out about our fight today and she isn't taking it well. This is really not her week, first her friend died in a battle not even two days ago, and now she is fighting me. I'm supposed to be her friend, and friends don't normally kill each other.

I hear footsteps come my way, and the scratching of the chair in front of me moving enough to make room for someone. I wish I could leave this place now. Leave with Clay, Nick, and Niki most of all. "I guess you heard." I say half hoping she didn't hear me. "I just did." I can hear how broken her voice is. It hurts me, I'm way too sensitive to be in this type of place. It's not my fault I can't help it.

I reluctantly lift my head up, looking her in the eyes. I see the tears that cover her face, they're still flowing. "I'm so so sorry Niki. I don't want to do this." She nods at my words, tears still falling down her face at a consistent speed. "I know, don't go easy on me... I want to see Minx again." She wants to die just so she can see minx again? For some reason that hurts more than I thought it would.

I got up from where I was sitting and hugged Niki. "I'll see you later, in the arena. I have to go." I didn't actually have to go anywhere, I just couldn't stay there for much longer. I rushed back into my room, just sitting in my bed. I had nothing to do and I surely didn't want to go back to bed. So I just sat there, staring at the ceiling. (holding back my cum tonight)


10 o'clock hit, quackity knocked on my door, getting ready to escort me to the battle arena. My nerves were kicking in, not as much as last time cause I know Niki won't try. She said she wanted to die. Once I got to the weapon rack, I picked up my dagger, the one I used last time with the emerald orb in the middle.

"Goodluck." I hear Quackity say under his breath, guards aren't allowed to get close to people, but ever since he chased me down the hall we grew close. I hesitantly enter the arena, seeing Niki with her weapon tossed across the ground, it's closer to me than it is to her. We both look up at the tv that's counting down from 10.

At that moment I decided I wanted to hug her one last time, she doesn't have a weapon so I don't have to worry. With every step I took closer to her, the crowd grew louder. They weren't chanting my name, but "get her!" I immediately felt sick to my stomach, I blamed the waffles I had around 4 hours ago.

Once I got close enough to her, I hugged her. She is surprised for a bit, then she hugs back. "I know you have to do this." She whispers in my ear. In the distance I hear "GO!" telling me that it's time, she's defenseless. Instead of backing up, I take the knife in my right hand and raise it to her back, taking a deep breath before plunging it into her.

She screams in pain, giving me a happy look. "Finish me." she says as her legs give out on her. She pointed to her weapon that she tossed. I went over and grabbed it. It was a sword, the same one Clay used against Minx. Does she want to go out the same way her friend did?

I walked up to her with a tear falling from my eyes, "I'm so sorry Niki." I say before stabbing her in the chest. I hear the crowd go wild, and the TV says "Congratulations George you win!" I don't feel like I won , I feel like I lost somehow. I lost a friend, I feel guilty for killing her. She begged me to, it's not like she was going to fight back anyway, but why do I still feel so guilty?

I leave through the gates after I dropped Nikis weapon on the ground next to her corpse. I miss Corpse, I wonder if he knows I'm gone? I wonder if he even noticed. Clay and Nick try to talk to me, but I just walk away going back into the comforts of my new home. They don't know where my room is, they never cared enough to ask.

Once I'm let into my room, I say my goodbyes to Quackity and another guard that I don't know the name of. I think Quackity said his name was Sam? Either that or damn. It's one of the two.

I turn the lights off immediately, allowing myself to lay down in my bed. Now I let the tears fall freely, there's no one to watch me, or to judge me. I can't remember when I fell asleep but I apparently did, I didn't have a nightmare, or a dream. I feel numb, I don't feel bad about killing Niki anymore, I don't feel anything. I want to feel something even if it's grief.

I hate to admit it but I want Clay here, or Nick. I don't want to be alone, not now. My body won't move, it's like I'm paralyzed. My mind is spinning, I can't move. I know if I actually tried I could, but I can't seem to actually try.

After a while of silence, I hear three consecutive knocks on the door, maybe it's quackity? I got up and opened the door, I didn't expect Clay to be at the door in tears. Did he know Niki? Why is he crying? I'm mad at him, I don't know why but I'm mad at Clay.

I try to shut the door in his face, but his hand stops the door from fully shutting. Curse his freakishly strong arms. "You've been ignoring me." He states bluntly as he enters the room. "Why?" he continues. I dont say anything, I just head back to my bed, silently hoping Clay would just get the hint and fuck off. But he doesn't. "Is it because I kissed you, if so I'm sorry."

"It's not because you kissed me, it's because I just killed my friend Clay, and you weren't there." I say bitterly. I know it's not his fault for not being there, hugging me like I was a baby. "I was there and you just walked away!" he started to raise his voice at me. My eyes hurt, not from tears, those can't even form anymore.

"You started acting weird out of nowhere! After we checked the fighting list you started acting like I never existed." I say also raising my voice. "It's because of who I saw fighting next monday." He said, almost ashamed of his stupidity.

Oh my god are Nick and Clay going to be fighting?! "You're fighting Nick?" I question after a moment of silence. "No." He grabs my face with both of his hands. "I'm fighting you."

Hello everyone!

Please don't hate me.

Anyway make sure to drink some water and eat some food.

You are loved!


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