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Tw: a little gore?

After I got back to room 69, I didn't do what every normal person who had just figured out that they are being forced to fight to the death, instead of crying my eyes until the tears wouldn't fall anymore, I started training. James seems like the kind of person to be buff, so I need to outsmart him. Maybe a good technique could help me win. After around 30 minutes of getting nowhere except insanity, I decided that I needed help from warrior man.

So what do I do? I try to run away again. Warrior man seems to be everywhere when I try to escape so what better way is there to find him. None. I leave my room and head right again. I try to sneak past room 39, which belongs to blondie, or Nick, either way i don't want to talk to anyone right now. Once I get to the lunch room, I see Quackity, who might as well be my personal guard. "Trying to escape again, George notfound?" He said while biting down on some bread that he must have gotten from the salad bar.

"Yep. the usual." I responded while still going for the door. He stood up and grabbed my arm before saying, "Come, sit." Two very different commands, I would gladly do the first, not so much the second but it seems like I have no choice.

Once I sat down at the table with warrior man, I asked what had been on my mind the entire time, "I need help killing James." I whisper the name, afraid that someone might hear me. My suspicions are correct when I hear someone behind a counter say "oooh." I remember hearing that 'ooooh' before, from Nick. Just then Nick's head appears over the counter, and he slaps his hands down on it and says "I'll help! I saw him fight last week." At first I am hesitant to hear what he has to say, but then I think about how desperate I am.

"I'm listening, anything can help." I say the last part because I didn't really want to seem rude and just saying 'im listening' sounds rude. I watched Nick slide over the counter, and grab a chair from a nearby table, then he placed it to my left. "First, call me sapnap, second flirt with him. His last fight he spent the entire thing staring at the other dudes dick. For some reason he was bricked up." Sapnap chuckled a little at the end of his sentence.

"I am not going to do that!" I laughed and Sapnap looked at me and said "I didn't think you would." He pauses, thinking about his next words, which I didn't think people did now-a-days, and said " He's not a good fighter, he's weak with his left hand, so if you injure his right hand it's a guaranteed win."

I was about to thank him when I heard a cocky ass voice that sounded hot as fuck. "Nick, why are you talking to dipshit?" Did blondie really name me dipshit?! "The names george fuckface" Get it? Because he has a fuckable face. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned towards blondie and tried to punch him. Key word tried. He caught my hand which is really hot, and he is holding onto my wrist. "Not so fast." "That's what she said." I replied, trying my hardest not to laugh at a serious time like this.

If you thought I would stop trying to hit him then you would be wrong. I stood up from my chair and said "I like it when you hold my wrist like that babe," before hitting him with my left hand. He standed there shocked with his hand holding his cheek. Blondie let go of my hand afterwards. He quickly got out of his dazed state and somehow got both of my wrists in his hands, and pinned me up against the wall nearby.

He lowered his head down to my ear and said "Do you like this better?" Blush dusted my cheeks as he said that, but it didn't stop me trying to beat him up. I brought up my right leg, which kneed him in his family jewels. He dropped my hands after that and went to hold his dick, as he bent over. I kneeled down while saying "I'm in control."

Sapnap looked at me with wide eyes before saying "If that's how good you can fight, then you are good for the battle tomorrow." I smiled at the praise, and nodded my head towards him in acknowledgement. "Thanks for your concern Nick." Blondie said sarcastically. "Oh grow up Clay."

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