Chapter Seven.

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"Help me tie some knots," Cheong-san said.

"How big do you want them?" Ji-min asked.

"Wrap it and tie it so a hand or foot can fit."

"Big enough for a foot?" Ji-min repeated for confirmation.

"Zig-zag!" Joon-yeong suggested. "Make it zig-zag. Big enough increments."

"Zig-zag," Cheong-san agreed.

"Is this right?" Gyeong-su asked.

"We need more," Ji-min said.
The three worked together to make a zig-zag formation of knots big enough for a foot to slide through.

"Let's go," Cheong-san said.
Gyeong-su carried a chair over to the broken window before sliding it open so nobody would cut themselves on the glass. Cheong-san dropped the hose out the window. It barely reached the second floor from the looks of it.

"Are we even going to make it down there?" Gyeong-su asked.

"I'll go down and check the empty rooms. I'll call when it's clear, okay?" Cheong-san said. Wu-jin, Ji-min, and Gyeong-su went to the window with him as Cheong-san stepped on the chair and balanced on the ledge. He peered over at On-jo, who was mourning.

"What are you doing?" Gyeong-su asked, eventually turning to follow his gaze. "What is it?" He turned back as Cheong-san looked back out the window. "Come on. Go down, dude."
Cheong-san hesitated and then backed off the window ledge, onto the chair, and into the classroom.

"Gyeong-su, you go first," he said.

"Wh— Why?" Gyeong-su nervously stammered. "Did you see something?"

"No," Cheong-san answered. "But you go first."

"What's down there?" Gyeong-su asked, looking out the window.

"Just go," Wu-jin chimed.

"Go already," Ji-min said.

"You should go," Wu-jin said.

"Then you go, okay?" said Gyeong-su.

"No, you can do it," Wu-jin insisted.

"Man, you can do it," Gyeong-su objected.

"No, it's okay," Wu-jin said. Gyeong-su reluctantly stepped onto the chair and onto the window ledge. Wu-Jin held an arm out for balance.

"But why— why am I—" Gyeong-su said all the while getting to his feet on the window ledge.

"Grab it and go," Wu-jin huffed.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Gyeong-su tried bargaining.

"Just go!" Ji-min huffed. "Come on." Gyeong-su slowly backed out the window, lowering his leg in search of a foot hole. The others held the hose to lighten the weight being placed on it.

"I can't reach it," Gyeong-su grunted.

"Put your foot in," said Wu-jin.

"Oh, I got it," Gyeong-su announced.

"Careful," Wu-jin advised as Gyeong-su shakily held onto the hose. He carefully continued down the hose, swearing loudly as zombies crowded at the window directly below the science lab.

"I want to go first!" Na-yeon said, pushing her way forward.

"One person at a time," Cheong-san said sternly, pushing her back. "You might fall if it shakes too much."

"Well, I won't shake it then," Na-yeon said heatedly. "How long do you want me to wait?" she demanded with a cautious glance over her shoulder.

"Just a little bit," Cheong-san assured.

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