Chapter Thirty.

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The group looked up as Mi-jin and Ha-ri came back, walking swiftly and trying to keep quiet. They came and started talking about any possible routes. Su-hyeok tied a bandage around Nam-ra's sunken eye.

"I think that that's the only way out," Wu-jin was saying.

"No, it drops into the basement on that side," said Mi-jin, "and there are exposed steel bars. No way we can jump."

"That side faces the school, so there's no point trying it," Ha-ri added.

"The ground is filled with zombies. We'll die if we go down," Mi-Jin said.

"There's a door on the first floor that leads to the mountain," Ha-ri said. "We have to go that way."

"But it's full of zombies in there," Dae-su said. Cheong-san looked around and pointed up.

"Can't we reach the roof if we use that and the windows?" Cheong-san asked, vaguely pointing at the support beams. "If someone goes to the roof and screams, someone will follow them. Then I'm pretty sure it'll empty out in there and the rest can escape."

"...I think I'd rather go inside and just get up to the roof," (Y/n) said, looking up. "Falling to death doesn't sound too grand."

"Who says you're doing it?" Cheong-san asked.

"Who said I'm not?" (Y/n) retorted. "You guys will all get bitten—"

"No," On-jo said suddenly. 

"It's the only way—"

"I said no," On-jo repeated firmly. "Please stop sacrificing yourselves."

"Yeah, I agree with you," Hyo-ryung said. "We said we'd all survive and go home together."

"Me too," Dae-su said. "I feel the same."

"I'm with you guys too," Wu-jin agreed. Mi-jin sighed.

"Then we should just wait for now," she said.

"And then what?" Ha-ri asked. "Do you have a plan?"

"Maybe if it rains again, they won't be able to see us," Mi-jin said.

"Who knows when it's gonna rain?"

"Don't worry," Mi-jin said, sitting down. "My knees are throbbing. It's gonna rain soon. You'll see." They looked up at the blue sky, filled only with wisps of clouds.

"It's way too clear," said Dae-Su. Mi-jin nodded.

"They can't see well in the dark," (Y/n) said.

"That's still hours away," Wu-jin said. "And we can't see well in the dark either. We'll get lost in the woods."

"I still have all of your phones!" (Y/n) said heatedly. "The boxes would have protected them from the rain and once we're out of the building, we'll just use the flashlights."

"You actually got the phones? I was joking," Mi-jin grinned.

"Well, they're useful, aren't they?" (Y/n) flushed. "Come on, we'll need to get them started first," she said, digging through her backpack.

"Do you hear that?" Nam-ra interrupted.

"What?" Su-hyeok asked.

"They're saying to take cover," Nam-ra said. She paused and listened. "We need to take cover. There will be explosions."

"What do you mean explosions?" Hyor-ryung cried.

"Are you sure about that?" Su-hyeok asked. Nam-ra paused and listened again.

"Hyosan intersection, Future College," Nam-ra said. She gasped. "And also our school will be blown up."

"Hey, are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?" Wu-jin asked.

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