Chapter 1

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"Hey pretty thing, want to get out of here?"

I resist every urge to groan and roll my eyes. This party was such a horrible idea and the second I find my sister, I am telling her she owes me five days worth of chores for this rather than the three I initially agreed to.

I take my eyes off of the crowd of dancing bodies in front of me to see who thought it would be a good idea to flirt with me.

Some guy with floppy brown hair and dull green eyes offers me what I am sure is supposed to be a charming smile.

"What's a girl like you doing here by yourself?," the guy pushes when I do not respond to his initial question. I am almost taken aback by his forwardness. Does he not know who I am?

I raise an eyebrow at him and retort, "I'm here with my sister, actually." 

"I don't see her," he muses, pointedly looking around as if he knows what she looks like. Well, he should.

"There you are!" my sister's voice exclaims from behind me. I whirl around throwing her the nastiest glare I can muster as she drunkenly grabs onto my arm. "I was looking for you!"

The man's eyes meet hers and he immediately notices her purple eyes. When nothing happens, I pull her behind me aggressively.

"A nymph, huh?" my unwanted acquaintance sultrily asks, his eyes trailing down my sister's body in the most disgusting way. "Who might you be?"

"Clearly, not your soulmate," I hiss, "now leave us alone."

I tug my sister away from the gross man and scan the crowd for Newt. He should be fairly close by and the fact that he didn't start a fight with the guy that hit on me is unusual. Then again, he is normally the sober one at these functions.

This time, though, I assured him I didn't want to drink or get too crazy. My parents and grandfather have really been getting strict with me since I could potentially be the next leader of our frollick. They are now very serious about protecting my reputation. This essentially means I am no longer allowed to have any fun.

That didn't stop Amethyst from dragging me out to another stupid party in the woods, though. She has her heart set on meeting every boy in our frollick until she finds her soulmate. I think that is the only reason my parents tolerate her behavior; once she finds him, they will force her to calm down, too.

I am so glad I'm not a nymph and I am even more grateful that I don't have a soulmate. I think it would be too much stress to have to worry about tracking down one person. I'd rather just pick someone I have a connection with.

Like Newt.

Newt and I have been best friends since we were young and shortly after we turned eighteen, he confessed his feelings for me.

I can't say I've always seen Newt romantically, but I did agree to try out that new angle of our relationship. Not much even changed in our daily routines, anyway. We still spend most of our free time together and he treats me with just as much care and respect and love as before. It's just now, that treatment has made its way into my bedroom.

I can't say I have been disappointed.

I finally spot Newt across the crowd, filling up his cup with a bright pink liquid. The second it is full, he wastes no time tossing his head back and downing the whole thing. I roll my eyes and laughs as I approach him, dragging Amethyst along with me.

Newt smiles wide the moment he sees me.

"Hey, cuddlecakes," he greets merrily, reaching his arms out once I am close enough. I allow him to pull me into his embrace and I offer him a sweet kiss.

Hidden Gem - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now