Chapter 10

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"Zakreus?" I quietly call out into the growing darkness. Guilt consumes me as my brain won't let me forget I told my mate I would be back in the evening today - well before the sun went down. Is he worried? "Zakreus?"

I feel myself cross over the border and I check my surroundings to make sure I am in the right place before calling out my soulmate's name again. Where is he?

Ma and Pa sat me down this morning to discuss how things were to be changing moving forward. For starters, I won't have to sit through any more tedious leadership training. My lesson for today was canceled and it sounds like moving forward I will only be required to go to a few random group sessions with my siblings. I cannot wait to figure out how to spend my free time.

I would love to spend some of my free time out here with the wolf. I was trying to come out here earlier, but Ma would not leave me alone. Even though my lesson was canceled, I was not allowed to spend my day as I pleased.

Ma spent hours trying to make up for what she considered to be years of neglect. After she squeezed some fresh billowberry juice for me, she made me assist her in making cookies. While they were baking, we took a walk outside in the garden and played with our magic. My mother is a sprite just like me, so she took it upon herself to teach me a few new tricks.

While I truly enjoyed the quality time I got to spend with my Ma, I was ready to snap at her when she forced me into a hot bubble bath after dinner and wouldn't let me out until dusk. I didn't have any good excuse for not wanting to relax that didn't make her suspicious, so I was stuck there until she retired to bed for the night.

Once again, my mind reminds me that it is now almost dark - much later than I was supposed to be out here. I call out Zakreus's name again, searching the area where he normally stands ready and waiting for me.

Is he not here?

That thought alone almost breaks my whole resolve. "Zakreus?" It's hard to keep my voice from cracking this time.

Once the fading light reached a certain point, did he decide I must not be coming? Did he return to his pack for the night to finally have a more comfortable place to sleep?

I wouldn't blame him.


My voice comes out as a broken whisper as I peer through the darkness around me. I hear a faint whine in the distance, followed by the sound of paws thumping on the ground, heading in my direction. My heart rate quickens as I walk slowly in the direction of the noises.

"Zakreus? Is that you?" I ask hopefully. All of my past training is screaming at me to run away - this could be a threat or a trap. But my heart tells me otherwise. My heart knows it's Zakreus - er, Calder, maybe? It is such an odd feeling.

Moments later, the big wolf bursts through the trees, freezing the moment he sees me. In his mouth is a large bag that he drops to the ground. He must have gone back to his pack for some things.

I take a moment to look the wolf over. Now that I'm not scared out of my wits, I can fully appreciate the beautiful creature. Calder's dark brown fur is just visible in the scarce light, but his brown eyes shine bright. He watches me carefully, waiting to see what I will do.

I take a few steps towards the wolf and he lowers himself onto his belly as a show of submission.

"Calder?" I question, just to confirm my suspicions. The wolf perks up a little, as if shocked I understand that he is in control. "Zakreus explained you're in control most of the time when you're in this form." The beast practically purrs as I kneel down next to him. Uncertainty settles over me as my eyes scan the wolf again. What exactly am I supposed to do now?

Hidden Gem - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now