Chapter 7

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It feels as if it has been hours, though I am sure it has only been a matter of minutes. With each moment I spend talking to my soulmate, I can feel a sense of peace slowly blanketing me. Just as he suggested, accepting this situation mentally is really helping me feel better physically and emotionally.

Unfortunately, my brother's voice shouting my name breaks up my conversation with Zakreus and I almost audibly groan. My head snaps in the direction that the voice came from and I see Opal frantically running towards me with a panicked look on his face as our little sister chases after him.

"Malachite!" Opal yells, slowing down as he reaches the border of our territory. "Mal, get away from it!"

I hear Zakreus growl under his breath. I glance over at him, noticing an angry look on his face as he watches my younger brother. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice his hands clenching into tight fists and without thinking, I wrap one of his fists in my hands. The familiar tingles spread all over my skin as his surprised eyes meet mine. He cracks a small smile and takes a deep breath as I look over to my brother.

"Malachite! What the fuck are you doing?" he screams in terror as he gets closer and sees my hand wrapped around Zakreus's. Does he not realize that I am in no danger?

"Opal, she's fine!" Amethyst's voice screams in fury as Opal approaches. "You half-witted, bug-eating, over-protective-"

My sister's obscenities are drowned out by my soulmate growling loudly as my brother reaches out as if to grab my arm. Opal halts his movements immediately, staring at Zakreus in fear before looking at me with determination.

"Malachite, get away from the chimera," he says, his voice damn near condescending.

I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at my brother as I protectively say, "Don't call him that. His name is Zakreus."


"Opal! You fucker, leave our sister and her soulmate alone!" Amethyst demands, tugging on Opal's arm. "You're going to get yourself killed."

"Soulmate my ass," Opal scoffs, earning a growl from Zakreus.

"Look, Opal, we'll talk at home," I try to reason with him. "Please just go. I'll be there soon."

"I'm not leaving you alone with that thing!" he protests. I suddenly feel anger flair up inside me. Why can't he just fucking trust me?

I also do not like that he won't show my soulmate some damn respect. He is not a thing.

"Dammit Opal, don't make me force you!" I snap angrily. His eyes widen and he glances at Zakreus with nothing but judgment and hatred.

"What have you done to her?"

Amethyst groans from next to him and actually smacks him on the back of the head, smiling when she hears the satisfying slap.

"I know your idiot brain is too slow to comprehend the situation," she chastises, "but she's not in any danger. She was alone with him before you barged in and ruined their conversation."

"Malachite is my soulmate," Zakreus's melodic voice rings out. "I'm not going to hurt her."

Opal stutters, as if searching for something to say. Eventually, his gaze just settles on me, questioning me with his eyes. It's clear he does not trust a word coming from Zakreus's mouth.

"I'm safe, Opal," I assure him. "Please go."

"What about Newt?" he asks, cocking an eyebrow with attitude. Is he seriously going to throw Newt in my face right now? When they all know how awful I feel?

Hidden Gem - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now