Chapter 11

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"I'm sorry, back up. What's a witch?"

Everyone looks back at me with a different expression, but none of them make me feel good. Damascus and Zamina look at me as if I am a petulant child that they have the unfortunate task of educating. Amethyst and Zakreus look at me with pity and guilt, as if it were their job to make sure I knew this and they had failed. Am I really the only one that is this far out of the loop? How does Amethyst know anything more than me?

Because she's a fucking nymph. That's why.

I sigh, shaking my head and say, "Nevermind, I'm clearly the farthest out of the loop here." I glance at the sky to give me anything to focus on other than my rising embarrassment. I feel ignorant and stupid right now. Noticing the sky is brightening quickly, I take my escape. "I should go home so Ma and Pa don't get suspicious."

Zakreus reacts instantly, saying, "Wait, not yet."

"Don't be dramatic, Mal," my sister retorts with a roll of her eyes. "Witches are female wizards. The gender neutral term is 'mage' so if you hear that, don't get your panties in a twist."

I shoot her a look, warning her not to mess with me right now. Damascus must take my glare as a threat - which it was - because he growls at me in response. Zakreus growls right back as Amethyst elbows her mate in the ribs harshly.

This entire scene is fucking ridiculous.

"Enough!" I exclaim with a huff. "I really should get going. So, what is this about Zamina getting you through the border?"

"I want to tell Ma and Pa about Damascus," Amethyst replies without skipping a beat. My heart drops into my stomach, but before I can ask if she has lost her mind, she continues. "I need to go back to the pack with him and I can't do that without telling them because that just puts you in a bad spot."

"Telling them puts us both in a bad spot, Amethyst!" I exclaim. "You planned this behind my back? Have you lost your mind?" Damascus growls at me again and I force my attention to him and snap, "Oh shut it. She's my sister; I'm not a threat."

Damascus steps closer to me with a worried expression, shooting me a look as if to warn me not to mess with his alpha. With a hand on her angry wolf's arm, my sister calmly responds, "Malachite, we have to tell them sooner or later. Why draw it out and keep sneaking around?"

I open my mouth to respond because it should be easy, but it's not. Why shouldn't we tell them? Why should we draw this out?

Because we risk starting a war? I suppose that's a good reason.

The real reason is that I am a big fat coward. I am not ready to face what telling my parents entails. I know I am going to be forced to make some hard decisions and to put it bluntly, I just don't want to.

I just got my life back. I have had one day of feeling like the world hasn't been placed on my shoulders. It has been only one day since I was promised freedom for my life. Call me selfish, but just once I want to make a decision for myself and not someone else.

Somehow, I feel like telling my family that I am mated to a wolf is going to end this chapter of my life much more quickly than I am ready for.

I'm not ready to be introduced to pack life. I don't want to be thrust from one position of power to another. I want breathing room.

I want to take things slow with Zakreus. I want romance. I want to get to know each other before being forced into the stress and hustle of everyday life. I don't want to have a fast mating process.

But, it's not all about me.

I glance at Zakreus, remembering him saying that it is almost painful for him to hold back from me. It's painful for him every time I cross over the border to a place he cannot reach me.

Hidden Gem - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now