Chapter 19

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I open the door to my room - though it feels weird to consider it such - and I see Zakreus already rushing towards me.

"Malachite, I-"

I hold my hand up to stop him. He immediately ceases talking, staring at me obediently as if afraid I will leave again if he doesn't do what I want.

Was he worried I would leave entirely?

Guilt hits me when I realize it is a very real possibility that I left him sitting here thinking I was leaving for good. Soon he'll learn that it takes a lot more than a petty little argument to make me pack my bags.

"I know you probably have a lot to say, but so do I," I start. "Can I go first, please?" He nods enthusiastically, waiting patiently for me to continue. I take a deep breath to gather my thoughts before getting on with it. "I know it is all with good intention, but I need you to stop coddling me and start treating me like a wolf."

Zakreus stares at me as if he's just been slapped in the face and doesn't understand why. When he doesn't speak, I take that as my signal to continue.

"I know I don't know everything yet, and I'll probably get overwhelmed at times, but I need you to try and act the way you would if I were a wolf." I take a deep breath and announce, "That starts with you marking me."

Zak chokes on his own breathing, staring at me with wide eyes as he processes what I just proposed. I'm sure I just completely threw him for a loop here. He hasn't brought up marking me since that day when we woke up together in the forest. And, last he knew I was upset with him for not defending me with Jasmine.

I wait patiently for him to gather his thoughts and his words, watching him with expectant eyes. He swallows loudly and clears his throat, obviously preparing to speak, but when he opens his mouth, no words come out. His eyes darken and he shuffles in his spot uncomfortably; if I had to guess it's because his dick is getting hard thinking about just how he wants to mark me.

"I...What-" Zakreus stumbles over his words, truly having no idea how to respond to me at this moment. I'm really not sure how to feel about it to be quite honest. "Malachite, what are you getting at?"

I stare at him, trying to keep my expression as reserved as possible.

"I think I was pretty clear." He sighs, avoiding my gaze but doesn't say anything. "I'm sick of playing games and having to guess what's going on. Most of all, I am sick of you making decisions for us without even consulting me." His gaze snaps to mine as he digests my annoyed tone. "I want to talk about this."

"What is there to talk about Mal?" he asks as he turns around to face away from me, almost sounding pained. "I can't mark you. I won't hurt you."

I do not hesitate to point out, "Damascus marked Amethyst."

"That's different," he tries.

"Because she's bigger than me?" I question, knowing the answer. "You'd mark me if I were a wolf; you already admitted that," I remind him. His head falls and I don't have to see his face to guess how guilty he looks knowing that he has no argument. I cross my arms as I continue, "So, is that what this is? Am I too weak for your mark?"

As hard as I try, I cannot hide the hurt in my voice. As much as I should know that this isn't true, I can't help but wonder if...

"Gods, Malachite, no! I-" he cuts himself off, turning around as he runs his hands through his hair in panic. He is grasping for something - anything - to say, but my brain and mouth are now on a roll.

"I know the reason you won't have sex with me is because you're worried about marking me," I declare. "What's your plan exactly? Are you never going to touch me?" Before I can think through the consequences of my next remark, I snap, "Do I have to find someone else to do that?"

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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