Chapter 2

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"Malachite, hurry up," my father hisses.

"I'm not even late!" I say in defense as I make my way towards the front door. "I don't see why I even have to compete in this tournament."

My father is about to respond, but my grandpa's voice cuts him off. "As a potential leader to this frollick, it is important for you to participate in community events and show your strength to your people."

"I don't feel very strong right now," I mumble to myself, reaching a hand around my shoulder to rub the area above the wound on my back that is now a couple days old. I throw a glare in my grandfather's direction when he isn't looking, but follow both men out of the house in compliance.

My siblings are all waiting for me when I step outside. We are all wearing some variation of the same training attire, only the color corresponds with our nature and abilities. Garnet, my eldest brother and an ignid like my grandpa, wears red to signify his ability to manipulate fire. My younger brother, Opal, is an aquari fairy and wears blue to represent his water-based gifts. Amethyst is a nymph, the rarest of the fairies and the only one of us that will have a soulmate; she wears purple to match her eyes because there is no color really associated with her intuitive ability to know things.

I am stuck wearing green, as I have my whole life, to distinguish me as a sprite that can manipulate plants.

I really hate green.

"Looking good, Mal," Opal retorts with a smirk as he crosses his arms. With a flick of my hand, I possess the tall, spiky plant behind him to smack him. "Ow!" he exclaims defensively. "I was only commenting on how long it took you to get ready."

I roll my eyes as I feel my grandfather's disapproving look boring into my back. As if I care at this moment.

"I could have been ready sooner if someone," I say pointedly, "hadn't taken so long in the shower."

Opal looks stuck for a moment before turning his attention towards Garnet.

"Yeah, Garnet!" he jokes, "I told you that you took too long!" Garnet's eyes shimmer in amusement but he only shakes his head as a response with a slight smile on his face.

"Come on, everyone," my mother calls out, "time to go. We don't want to be late."

We all share looks of varying emotion before moving to follow our parents.

Every year for the past four years, I have been forced to participate in the frollick-wide combat competition. Participation is open to any fairy over the age of twenty. My parents and grandfather are making a huge deal out of the event this year because it is the first year Amethyst is old enough to participate, so all of us will be competing together.

I truly don't understand the importance, but who knows what would happen to me if I tried to get out of this. What I will do instead, is lose as soon as possible. I know Grandpa will not like that, and I fear what he will do once he notices my plan, but it is a risk I am willing to take.

I'd rather be beat up by my grandfather than by near strangers on a fake battlefield.

As we grow closer to the tournament grounds, we silently fall into our traditional formation. My parents lead the group, walking proudly side-by-side, the image of the perfect sovereign couple. My siblings and I always arrange ourselves to model our parents from oldest to youngest; Garnet and I walk together while Opal and Amethyst follow. Our grandfather brings up the rear by himself. I can always feel him watching our every step and it is incredibly nerve-wracking.

No matter how much distaste I hold for the man, I do respect his strength and professionalism and a small part of me strives to make him proud. It makes me feel pathetic.

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