Chapter 18

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Sitting in the dining room with my measly breakfast, I find myself alone once again. Ever since I drank that smoothie I have felt better, but my head still hurts every now and then. I blame it on the fact that Zakreus isn't near.

After searching the entire kitchen and feeling nauseous at the idea of eating anything, I settled for just a piece of toast with some dark purple jam I found. I got myself a big glass of water, knowing Zakreus would be upset if he found out I wasn't hydrating myself.

He said Lena was going to join me, but she isn't feeling too well, so she is spending the morning in bed like my sister. I wonder if her night was similar to ours last night.

She has apparently promised numerous times she would find some time for me soon, but something seems to be distracting her at the present. I'm trying not to take it personally, as it could be any number of things.

"Hello, there," someone says from behind me, causing me to jump in surprise. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." The voice is deep and not one that I have heard before. I do my best to settle my nerves and remind myself that I should be excited to meet new people.

My companion settles in across from me, bringing with him a big breakfast from the kitchen. Atop his plate is an abundance of eggs and sausage of some kind and he wastes no time stuffing his face. The smell of the grease alone is enough to make my stomach turn.

I take time to observe him with an amused smile. He has darker skin with brown hair and eyes to match and his features are strong and sharp.

"Malachite, right?" he asks suddenly, looking up at me. I blink a few times and nod my head, trying not to appear too startled. "Zakreus said you'd be here. I've met Amethyst, already; lots of rocks in your family, huh?"

I force a laugh and reply, "I guess you could say that."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Malachite," he says casually. "I'm Elarian - but most people call me Lars." He stuffs some food in his mouth then, as if that would be the end of our conversation.

My heart nearly stops and I gape openly at him. I stutter embarrassingly as I think of something to say to the white wolf that attacked my sister and subsequently got attacked by me. My cousin.

"Shit, so they told you that was me, huh?" he chuckles.

"Lars, I'm so sorry for-"

He laughs and rolls his eyes, saying, "Stop, stop already. If you haven't noticed, I've practically forgotten about our first encounter by now." He eyes me up and down with a playful gleam in his eyes. "Handled yourself surprisingly well, though. How are you holding up being surrounded by wolves?"

I don't know if it is because I know he is family or if I have just reached my breaking point, but for some insane reason, I decide to be honest with Lars.

With a loud sigh, I confess, "Honestly, not so great." His face turns more serious and he nods his head in understanding.

"Want to talk about it?" he asks. "Lena is my mate, so I guess that kind of makes us family in some way."

I shift uncomfortably at his statement, knowing it doesn't hold the same weight for him as it does for me. But, if he's sitting here right now rather than being with everyone else, maybe Zakreus sent him to keep me company. Maybe I am supposed to tell him.

"In a minute maybe, but there's actually something else I want to talk about..." I trail off, avoiding his gaze.

He cocks his head to the side and asks, "Does it have anything to do with the super-secret meeting I wasn't allowed to attend last-minute?"

Hidden Gem - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now