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Monday morning

Kairi Noel Carter
The rain was coming down extra hard. You could hear the rain drops falling on the roof of Kane's car.

I looked out the window even though i could barely see. But from what I could see were puddles of water on the street.

Time to time streaks of lightening would appear on the sky. It was terrifying to watch.

"I cannot believe we in this neighbourhood. This muh fucker bet not be kidding with me." Kane said driving past the southwest cringing.

"Kane I don't know but this place looks shady." I said looking outside the window as the car came to a stop.

"Imma drop in and say hi. Stay here don't go anywhere." He said opening his side of the car taking a umbrella with him.

My brother walked out and into this shady looking building. People here walked in with a envelope and came back with duffel bags.

I checked the time on my phone and it read 08:24 am. "Fuck." I said to myself seeing that we were late.

I patiently waited and waited but this nigga was nowhere near his car. That was when i saw him engaging in a deep conversation with him. I couldn't remember what his name was but I've seen him somewhere.

I felt as if someone was looking at me i looked up at my brother through the watery window and my eyes met with the nigga with face tattoos.

I frowned in disgust that this guy kept looking at me licking his lips. As annoying and disgusting that was I decided to ignore him and scrolled through my Instagram page.

Moments later my brother came back gently pinching my cheek smiling with his wet hand before pulled off and began making his way to school.

"So who was that guy?" I asked curiously because that guy had to be no good.

"Just some nigga don't worry bout it though ." He said making his way to his favourite parking spot.

"Ohh i see" i said opening the door and made my way to my Ap English class that I was extremely late for.

All you could hear was the sound of my feet running past the quite hallway.

I caught my breath before walking into the classroom.Everyone's attention turned towards me causing me to mentally roll my eyes.

"You're late!" Mr Rand grumbled turning pink.

"Okay and?"

"Get out Ms Carter!"

I sucked my teeth slowly turning around to walk back outside. I cussed under my breath rolling my eyes.

Moments later Mr Rand followed me out of the classroom closing the door behind him so nobody would hear.

After a good 5 minutes Mr Rand opened the door causing the chatter to stop.  He held the door for me. I entered the class with aggravation written all over my face.

I walked over to my seat and sat down taking out my binder and began writing down the notes that were on the board.

The bell rang signalising the period was over. I gathered my things and began making my way to gym class. I hated my Monday class schedule.

I made my way to the Gym class and was met a younger looking guy who seemed like he was in his late 20s.

We changed and got into our Gym clothes. Our teacher had assigned us to play dodgeball.

I kept dodging and dodging the ball leaving me with my enemy, Sasha. The two of us were the only remaining ones from both our teams.

She threw her ball which i dodged making it my turn. I threw my ball at her face and to my surprise she fell making it a win for me and my team.

Lucas Nickel Coly
I sat down in my class grading my students papers for the quiz they wrote on Friday.

My mind  slowly drifted away from what i was doin to Kairi being in here the other day. A part of me never stopped loving her even after everything we been through and god damn shawty looked good.

And another part of me despised her for what she did don't get me wrong i know i dogged her while she was pregnant back in the day but what she did was disgusting.

I looked down at my phone and saw my fiancé's name along side a picture of her and my three year old daughter pop up I sighed before answering the call.


"Nick!" She yelled taking a long breath. "This isn't what I signed up for."

I took a pause and thought this had to do with my baby girl. "Wussup, what she do ?"

"She doing what she does best, CRYING!"

"Take her to my moms, she'll know what to do with her." I said sighing

"So you telling me that i can't handle her ?"

"No shit."

"Mmh i was thought so too." Amber said breathing heavy.

"Baby its only temporary, I'll get Saint's momma to get her."

"Really ?!" She squealed getting exited "About time Saint left us."

"Trust me" i said knowing too damn well Kairi ain't want non to do with Saint.

"Thank you Nick" she said taking a deep breath.

"I love you aight."

"Love you too Nick." She said hanging up.

"Fuck" i said to myself as i was deep in my thoughts in how i was to deal with my fiancé's request and where would my daughter feel the safest if it wasn't my mommas house.

A part of me doesn't wanna take my daughter to stay with my moms. And than there was my manhood telling me i should send her packing.

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