First Time

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Requested! One shot where we're Scarlett's daughter, we have a boyfriend and we decide that our first time is going to be soon so we pick a day where we're home alone. What we didn't know was that our mom was home early and heard us finishing. We didn't know that till we are walking him out. Once he's gone Scar wants to talk to us, how it was and to be safe and things like that. Reader is like 17 and if u could write all the smut that happens for the first time that would be cool.

Uh- just read. the title should explain it. Your boyfriends name is Augustus

Reader is seventeen.

Not proof read.



My boyfriend and I have been planning this for a couple of days. We've decided on a day Scarlett and Colin aren't home because hell-- who wants their own parent to hear weird noises coming from their daughters bedroom. 

I mean, I certainly do not want that experience.

When Scarlett finally leaves, Augustus is already here, lounging on the couch.

"Mum's gonna be gone for about four hours," I whisper, snuggling into his side.

Augustus wraps his arm around me, "are you sure about this? I mean, we can always wait."

"I'm sure," I say, confidently. "I trust you, you trust me."

So, we talk about politics, science, everything two dumb seventeen-year-olds shouldn't be talking about when trying to set the mood.

Eventually, Gus scoots impossibly closer and we're squished together. He leans in, giving me time to move away. I don't. And he kisses me softly on the lips.

My knees are up, so I let them fall. Gus lets me sit in his lap, straddling him. His hands find my body, touching it clumsily. I'll admit that neither of us know what we're doing. 

We kiss again. It goes on for a while. And we don't break it. Until the front door opens. And we break apart, pretending to be doing anything but that. 

Scarlett comes rushing in, "I forgot my script!" she leaves just as fast as she comes in.

I break out laughing, Augustus joining.

"Head to my room?" I ask, not wanting to be disturbed the next time we try. 

Gus nods.

The next time we try, it's in my room. Once again, we're cuddling. With the mood broken, we watch some episodes of a random TV show. Neither of us are paying attention. Well, we're half-focused on it, half not. 

It goes on like this until Augustus trails his finger up and down my thigh, going higher and higher each time. 

He pauses and I nod shakily.

The TV's playing in the background and my heart's probably louder than the voices speaking. 

We find a way to do it. I'm laying down on the bed, pants down to my knees so Gus has room to move around. His own pants are on the floor. We're both nervous, Gus is moving around too much, and I'm frozen on the bed. 

Eventually, he pushes in, the latex rubbing against my skin, I start to feel something build around my stomach, and then we switch places. This time, I'm on top, running my hand up and down his own sensitive spot. I hesitantly lick the tip. It feels wrong until he starts to shake below me and suddenly I think I'm doing alright.

Somewhere, I hear a car door close. We both pause our kiss.

"I think..." Augustus breathes, "it might be no one."

"Okay, okay," I say, agreeing. I don't want to think about the possibility of anyone catching us like this.

We start kissing again, Augustus moves his hand, letting my pants fall to the ground. I've never felt this before. I think I'm being too loud. I think both of us are being too loud. But we'll learn.

When we're done, we lay there. 

"Was... I--did I hurt you?" Augustus asks, holding me in his arms.

I shake my head, hoping he could feel it moving side to side, not up and down.

"Okay," he sighs in relief.

"Was I?" I trail off, hoping he'd understand.

"Amazing," he nods.

The front door opens and closes and we sit up faster than ever. Augustus scrambles to put on his jeans. I put on my own pants that were laying on the floor, forgotten. 

I fix his belt.

"You'll seem too suspicious if it's crooked."

He nods, pressing a kiss on top of my head.

"Do we reek of... the smell?"

"No, I don't think so, I'll walk you out, coming?" he follows behind me.

I smile to Scarlett, hoping neither of us look guilty. 

"We're still good, right? No breaking up?" I close the front door behind us.

"I think, that was the best thing I've ever felt," he whispers, "that would be a no."

I grin, kissing him on the cheek, "see you!"

He waves goodbye.

When I come back in Scarlett is looking at me.


"So?" I copy.

"Don't give me that tone, sit on the couch." 

I trail behind her, a sickening feeling coming to my stomach. How would she know? She doesn't know. It's okay. 

Scarlett clears her throat, "I hope you have been using protection."

She does know. It's not okay.

I almost fall off the couch, "how'd you know?"

"Three things, one, you two are not as subtle as you think, two, I came home early and heard you. Both of you," she raises an eyebrow at my blush, "three, you're not wearing any socks. You always wear socks. Because that way, your feet would be easier to clean when you take a shower."

"I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to know! We planned this through! You wouldn't be home, dad wouldn't be home, only us two!" 

"I'm not mad at you," Scarlett says, softly, "I just want you to be safe. You have been using protection, haven't you?"

I nod.

"And, everything is okay between you and Augustus?"

Another nod.

"On another note," Scarlett grins. Oh no. That smile. It's evil. "How was it? Was it good."

Oh hell no.

"I refuse to talk to you about this," I pout. 

"I'm your mother!"

"Exactly, my mother! I am not sharing my sex life with my mother!" I blush crimson.

"Tell me."


"Tell me," Scarlett brings me into a hug. 

"It was okay," I mumble. I feel as if my cheeks are heaters, making sure everything is warm.

"Only okay?"

"Shut. Up." I mutter.



I don't know if condoms are made out of latex. Nor am I going to search that up. The smut is probably horrible since it's my first time writing it. Yes, it isn't graphic because, y'all, why would I write graphic smut at my age. The ending is a bit rushed. As always, requests are open!

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