should i stay or should i go Pt. 1

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Requested! Maybe a mishap between y/n and scar, where y/n runs away after having a mental breakdown and like scar not showing her enough love, but cuddling Rose. Scar tries to find y/n but y/n is in another country and has started a new life with a new name, Scar only bumps into her when she has to film in that country, and y/n is doing an internship on set and doesn't know scar was there

Reader is around 18

idk the legal age of adulthood in the us

Even though it pains me to write Scar like this, here u go :(


ending is rushed cause i wanna get it out tonight. its almost 12



Ever since Rose came into the world, I've felt detached from my family. I mean, a ten-year age gap doesn't mean we shouldn't get along. We get along very well. But since then, Mum's attention has always gone to Rose. It's like I'm the second choice.

I scan the crowd, looking for Mum. My stomach churns with the thought of her not coming. It's rare for her to show up. But she wouldn't do this to me. Not with the first gig of my singing career.

"Y/N!" the bar's owner calls my name, "startin' in ten minutes, get ready! Crowd's wild out there, haven't seen a thin' like this in ages."

He's not wrong. Word spread like wildfire. Y/N Johansson, gig at Morleey's. Well, something like that. The bar hasn't been this full in a while. It's one of my safe spaces. I come here every time I feel down.

I scan the crowd one last time before heading out on stage. It's not like those huge Harry Style concerts where the crowd screams at you when you walk on. Instead, it take a moment to realize I'm on stage.

I plug a speaker in with a pre-recorded audio ready to play. The stuff you have to do when you have no drummer. I grab my guitar, plugging it into the amp. I don't want to waste my money, okay? Mum may be rich, but we're not made out of money.

"Hello, everyone!" I say, grabbing everyone's attention, "thank you for coming out tonight!" The crowd roars. I grin.

"I'll be playing a special song I've written by myself, as promised," I pause. My heart's beating loudly. Like it's very own drum kit. "It's called Kids. I'll be telling you more about it after the song."

I start the recording of the drums.

My fingers strum along, "oh, I am just a kid, never use my brain," as the time goes on, my eyes never stop looking for my family. They're here. You just can't see them. Just can't see them. "Oh, I am just a kid, I always make mistakes."

Through it all, the disappointment in my heart grows. Why can't I see them? 

"And I haven't quite decided, if I'm a boy or a girl."

I shake my head subtlety. Think of something else. You can't be disappointed if you don't think of it. Okay, what about this? Why haven't I gotten my glow up? I'm literally almost graduating high school and I still haven't gotten my glow up.

"Oh, I'm no longer a kid, and everything has changed."

They're not here. Shit. Stupid! Don't think of that! Stop it! Positive mindset, positive mindset, positive mindset. That shit's never worked for me. Why am I thinking of it?

"So, listen up kids, hear what I say. Don't listen to your brain," really, don't. My brain can't think right, "and follow your dreams. Just like this now."

Scarlett x daughter one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now