Adopted pt. 2

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This story deals with mentions of abuse. Please read responsibly.

Part 2 of Adopted

Reader gets adopted by Scarlett after bumping into her.

Reader is any age in her teens.




I blink rapidly, trying not to fall asleep. I'm still embarrassed about the interaction a few days ago with the lovely lady, Scarlett? Was that her name?

Anyway, I'm pretty sure a part of my soul died. Like I left when she was talking! She probably thought I was a mean, moody teenager. I'm not. At least, I think I'm not. Mum didn't think so when she was alive.

Oh, great.

Now I'm going all emo and depressed.

Ugh. Just my luck. I need a break.

I walk towards the open window, scowling as I remember my mishap the last time I jumped. I jump anyway, landing on the floor with a smack.

Damn it, I need to stop doing this. At this rate, my legs will be immune to falling onto water from the bridge. Snazzy, right? I'll become Strong-legsgirl or Immunetoheightsgirl. God. I suck at naming things.

I walk towards the bus stop at the end of the block. I'm going to Manhattan. That place is way too messy. People won't even know if I pickpocket them. I know it's terrible but I'm poor, okay? And don't say, 'oh Y/N, why can't you just go busking,' I can't. Stupid father broke my stupid ukelele. 


The bus ride to Manhattan was okay but really really long. I was on the bus for like two freaking hours. And I only live half an hour away. Half an hour away for a car ride. Not a walk.

I wrinkle my nose in disgust. Good old Manhattan. Never gets rid of the disgusting smell of weed. And the sewage. Sewage on the street, sewage everywhere. 

I spot way too many victims of my pickpocketing business. I decide to go after a man waiting at the crowd's edge to walk across the street. I walk a bit faster and bump into him.


"I'm so, so sorry, sir," I say, widening my eyes. My hand slips into his pocket.

Ew. What the heck does he put in his pockets.

"It's fine," he replies, curtly.

Shit. I need to go faster. The crosswalk light across from me just finished. I have three seconds until everybody moves.

I quickly pull out a chunk of cash and slip the man's wallet back into his pocket. I grin in satisfaction, walking away.


I've been pickpocketing for around an hour now. Twelve victims have fallen into my hands. There's still one more person I want to go after, though. She's a pretty short woman who's probably rich. I can tell by the way she dresses. She's all elegant unless she's faking it. 

Her style is somewhat odd. It's not even sunny out and she's wearing sunglasses and a hat. 

It's going to be an easy one. Open purse, has a cute kid, talking to someone on the phone. Easy. 


Maybe not so easy anymore. She just hung up. And now she's looking for something in her purse. Just my luck.

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