should i stay or should i go pt. 3

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Requested! Maybe a mishap between y/n and scar, where y/n runs away after having a mental breakdown and like scar not showing her enough love, but cuddling Rose. Scar tries to find y/n but y/n is in another country and has started a new life with a new name, Scar only bumps into her when she has to film in that country, and y/n is doing an internship on set and doesn't know scar was there

Reader is around 18


This is going to be the second to last part because I don't want to go in-depth. I am writing another fic with this plot, Scarlett being replaced by another family. Please go read it (when it's posted. it isn't rn)! It's going to be longer.

Also, not sure if I mentioned, but Scarlett's a single pringle cause nobody deserves her. (except for me... and maybe a few other people)


SCARLETT'S POV: (ikr, a change of pov???)

I blink. My vision is blurry. I look down, pressing a kiss to Rose's head before untangling myself.

Memories of the fight with Y/N fills my mind and regret fills my body.

I shake my head, telling myself everything is fine. That I'm doing it for Rose. 

I walk to the kitchen, taking out frozen Eggo's and popping them into the toaster. I smile. Y/N's always liked Eggo's. Her obsession only grew when Stranger Things came out.

Maybe, it would be like a little apology gift. Like a, sorry for the fight last night? My part was really out of hand. And I know it. But, what I said was in the heat of the moment, and I don't think before I speak.

I'll start focusing on Y/N more. What she said was true. I do only care for Rose. Well--I do only do what's best for Rose. Not for Y/N. Not for the rest. Only for Rose.

Gosh, I'm a horrible mother.

The Eggo's pop up, and I take them out, putting more in. I cut up some strawberries, and bananas, placing them into separate bowls with blackberries.

A small breakfast buffet, but with Y/N's favourite food. That's a good apology gift, right? 

I place the food onto the table, adding a creamer cup full of maple syrup.

I head to the living room first. 

"Rose," I whisper, "breakfast's ready. Time to wake up."

Rose blinks at me. She yawns.


"Morning," I reply.

I follow her into the dining room.

"Mama, this is Y/N's favourite breakfast! Can I wake her up?" Rose asks, grinning upon seeing the breakfast.

I shake her head, "I'm going to wake her up today."

"But you never wake her up!" she pouts.

You never wake her up.

Even my seven-year-old daughter noticed.

My heart wrenches, "I'm going to wake her up today," I repeat, "you know why? 'Cause we got into a fight last night and I want to apologize."

"M'kay," she sighs, helping herself to the food.

"Save some for Y/N," I call, heading the the stairs.

"I will!"

I knock on Y/N's door. She doesn't answer. I knock again. She still doesn't answer. I knock for the third time, counting to five before opening the door.

There are multiple things I notice:

1. It's cold. Not the temperature. But the vibe. Is it called vibe? Y/N always says that word. Also, it is kinda cold.

2. Her bed is made. Unusual.

3. Her bed is completely flat. Like flat.

4. Some of her things are missing. Like her guitar.

I take a step into her room.


It feels as if my voice echoes, even though it doesn't.

I take another step.

On her desk, is a neatly folded piece of paper.

I frown, walking over to pick it up.

On it, is ten words that make my heart stop.

I'll always love you, but don't try and find me.




I messed up.



I reach into my pocket, dialing Y/N. Damnit. She probably blocked me.

Don't try and find me

Don't try and find me.

Respect Y/N wishes. Be a good mother and respect her wishes. Don't try and find her.



How am I going to explain this to Rose?

I take a deep breath before heading to the dining room.

"Where's Y/N?"

I slide into a chair, "she's away."

"Where?" Rose questions.

"I don't know."

"Can we go visit her?" Rose asks, innocently.

I sigh, "it's just gonna be me and you, honey. Me and you."

"But I wanna say goodbye!" Rose whines, stabbing her waffle.

"She's not coming back. At least, I don't think so."


"I don't know, Rose," I try to control my breathing. I can't yell at Rose.

"Can we visit the place she always goes to?"

What place?

"What place?"

"I don't know," Rose pouts, "I thought you would know. Y/N goes there all the time and you know everything."

I don't know anything about Y/N. Not since she was ten.

I shake my head, "I don't know the name of the place."

"But what about your fans? Can they help?"


Stupid media.


All of this could've been avoided if I showed Y/N more love.

It's okay. It's okay.

You can solve this.

I can solve this.



Sorry for the slow and short chapter. Get this: scarlett could've gotten a new phone number to try and call y/n, but she didn't cause she still cares more about rose than y/n. don't worry, she'll improve in a year or two.

BUT OML I THINK I FAILED MY SCIENCE TEST. LIKE WTF I STUDIED! I STUDIED WHAT THE TEACHER TOLD US TO STUDY AND THERE WAS THIS RANDOM QUESTION AND I DIDN'T KNOW THE ANSWER TO IT! Anyway, the rest of my class failed too, except for this one person cause she hella smart. As always, requests are open!

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