should i stay or should i go Pt. 4

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I lied. This isn't the last part.

Also, let's pretend that reader has a birth certificate in her new name.




Ash Foster.

I've been living as Ash Foster for almost a year. It's great. Since I grew up being rich (thanks, Scarlett), leaving the country and going overseas didn't disrupt my financial balance that much.

I have a new internship on a new movie, Strays. 

I know, I know, Ash, why are you doing an internship on a voice-animated movie? Well, the answer is simple, I want to voice act, learn to produce, and be behind the camera.

Like, goddamn, have you seen Sing? 

It's not like I'll be having a role in the movie, it's more so of me learning how a movie is made, marketed so it gets money, and the behind the scenes. I think?

Getting this internship was not easy. I had to start from scratch. 'Cause who the hell would choose a random girl off the street with no experience? Not me. And it's Universal who's producing it, for God's sake.

I better go to sleep. I have to wake up early to seem professional.

day one:

I stand outside the building.

For Christ's sake, you never did this when you were Y/N.

Yeah, well that's because I was a Johansson.

Oh my Lord, I need to stop talking to myself in my head.

I pull myself together, going in.

I nod to the person at the front desk and go up the elevator.

With a ding, the door opens.

"Ash!" my boss calls. Already? I literally just came in. I turn my head in his direction. "I want you to fill out this report," he hands me a page and I skim it quickly, "give it to me when you're done. I want it as soon as possible."

Damnit. I hate things like this. It's the downside of being an actor--well, an intern.

"Of course!" I flash my iconic smile. My iconic smile when I was Y/N Johansson.

"Awesome! I'm going to visit the cast and the crew, now," he says, turning around.

When am I going to meet the cast?

day two:

Pulled an all-nighter getting this stupid report done. 

I'm a master procrastinator. Best of the best.

"Excuse me," I ask a random person. I know that she's a higher up in the crew than me. I also know that she's very pretty with very pretty eyes. "Do you know where I could find Marc?"

 She nods, "he's meeting with the producers right now, you might want to wait," she chuckles, "everybody's scared of them."

I seems like I've lost all of my social skills 'cause I have no fucking clue what to say.

"Great, thank you!" I manage to reply after like ten seconds.

I turn around, walking away.

Stupid, idiot! 

God, that was the most awkward interaction I've ever had.

I manage to find my boss two hours later.

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