I'm still standing

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"Why the hell does it hurt so much?"

Scarlett rolls her eyes.


A stranger breaks into the Johansson household.

Reader is any age above twelve



It is around three in the morning when I hear the sound of glass breaking. No, I'm asleep. I'm working on a stupid school report about Fahrenheit 451. 

I quietly turn off my nightlight and grab my math textbook.


Don't judge a book by its cover. Have you seen the edge of a textbook? Goddamn they hurt.

I open my bedroom door, tiptoeing to Rose's room.

"Rose?" I whisper, shaking her with my free hand.

She wakes up, confusedly, opening her mouth to say something. I put my hand over her mouth, signaling her to be quiet.

"There's—there might be someone in the house," I mumble, trying to keep my voice steady, "why don't you go hide in the closet? Be sure to bring most of the clothes down, so you can cover yourself without seeming too suspicious."

She stares at me, weary eyed, but does as told.

I make my way to Scarlett's room, next. She's a light sleeper so she's awake too, grabbing something from her nightstand. 


She turns around surprised, putting her finger to her mouth. She stares at the textbook in my hand, questionably.

"There's someone in the house," she says.

"I know," I reply, "I'm going down there. I already hid Rose."

Scarlett grabs onto my wrist, "you are not going down there. Alone. There's a gun in the basement but I doubt we can get down there."

"If nobody is going play hero, who's going to save us?"

"I'm calling the police," she waves her phone in my face.

I faintly hear a voice coming through the speakers. 

"Stay. Here," Scarlett commands.

Obviously, I don't listen.

When she's distracted, I slip out of the room and go down the stairs.

My heart is beating way too loudly for my liking. I walk silently, thanking that I'm wearing socks.

A crash comes from the kitchen. My guess? Taking the overly expensive wine Scarlett keeps for convenience on a small wine rack because both of us are lazy and don't want to go to the basements wine cellar.

I hold the textbook over my head, preparing to smash someone with the edge.

Holy shit.

Who the hell brings a knife to a break-in but not a gun? Well, this just makes it a hundred times easier. 

Unless... don't judge a book by its cover.


I creep closer, waiting till the person's occupied before taking the last steps.

The person turns around, quickly. It's a man.

He brings a knife dangerously close to my stomach. Closing my eyes, I smash the textbook on his head.

Two people fall to the ground.

One, unconscious, the other, grinning like a madman.

Take that you stupid oaf! Never break into the Johansson household on my watch!

Scarlett peeks her head around the corner, having heard the commotion. She looks between the both of us back and forth.

"Y/N," she scolds, turning on the light, "what did I tell you?"

I wince, "to stay where I was."

"And what did you do?"

"Not listen," I stand up but gasp in pain.

Scarlett rushes over, "you—you're—" she cuts off, "shit."

"Language," I laugh, being stupid enough to think that was going to stop the ache in my stomach.

Scarlett puts her hand on my stomach to cover the wound, "Rose?" she yells, "can you get me a towel?"


Stupid robber ruining my stupid sleep and making my stupid stomach hurt like hell.

"Mom?" I manage to croak out, "did you call the police?"

Scarlett presses harder on my wound, "no," she deadpans, "I'm going to let my own daughter bleed to death on the kitchen floor."

When did Rose get here? Or am I being crazy?

I grit my teeth in pain, "can you get my phone?"

"You are suffering a stab wound and you want to go on your phone?" Scarlett hisses, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Rose," I call to the girl who's standing frozen at the doorway. She jolts when I call her name, "can you get my phone?"

She nods and runs up the stairs.

"It should be on my nightstand!" I yell after her.

"And get me a towel!" Scarlett adds.

Rose comes back down with both of the items, she's still staring at me in fear.

"It'll be okay," I coo, "it doesn't hurt."

Scarlett lets the towel soak up my blood. I grab my phone from Rose and type in the password, slowly.

"Why the hell does it hurt so much?" I choke out, taking a break from my phone.

Scarlett rolls her eyes, "well, I'm sure a stab wound isn't supposed to hurt."

I pout, "Natasha wouldn't think a stab wound would hurt."

"That's because," Scarlett starts, pausing when blurry red and blue circles are reflected through the window, "she is a fictional character and she grew up in the Red Room."

The door bangs open and I open Spotify. Footsteps near the kitchen. Three cops show up, one of them rushing over to the unconscious person.

"I won't get arrested, will I?" I ask, concerned, "I mean I did it for self-defense. That means I'm all good, right?"

One of the cop looks at me, then to my stomach and back before speaking into his radio, "we need an EMT in here."

"You won't get arrested," another cop assures me.

Scarlett lets go of me. Like Clint did to Natasha. When the EMTs come in.


Stupid blood loss. I type finally type in the song I've been wanting to listen to in Spotify. I skip to the chorus part.


Almost everyone chuckles at my antics. Scarlett ruffles my hair.

Surprisingly, all the people on the site are extremely professional, not asking for autographs or anything.

"So," one of the cop begins, "tell me, how did you knock the robber out?"

I grin, pointing to the textbook on the ground as I'm getting rolled away, "textbook edges hurt like absolute hell."



I love this song. You'll be expecting more titles from songs soon. About the Adopted miniseries... it's still being continued, just not being updated until I have an idea. THIS IS NOT READ OVER! As always, requests are open.

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