Going Viral

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Reader's friend (yes Claire 'cause we all love her) posts an embarrassing video of her.

Reader is 15.



"Y/N, you know that video of you I took of you falling down the escalator when we were at the mall last week?" 

Me? Falling down the escalator? At the mall?

"Yeah, why?" I ask. It's unlike Claire to be so specific.

"Um, well," Claire trails off, guiltily. "I may have posted it on Tiktok and it's gone viral."

I let out a chocked sound, "Viral as in how viral?"

"Viral as in twelve million people have seen it on Tiktok, but it's been posted on Youtube and Twitter so probably more?" Claire cringes, lying down on my bed.

Well, aren't I lucky?

"God, Claire," I groan. "Let me see it."

Claire holds up her phone and I grab it from her.

"Isn't that Y/N Johansson?" I read, scrolling through the comments. "Oh my god, who knew Y/N was so hot?"

Claire lets out a peal of laughter at that.

"People think I'm hot?" I wrinkle my nose. 

"Well," Claire wheezes. "You are kinda hot."

"What do you mean kinda?" I gasp in mock offence.  "I'm not fully hot? Only like three-quarters hot?"

"No, no, no," Claire blurts out. "I didn't mean it like that! I meant that you are hot just um—"

I cackle, "I know, I was just joking."

"Oh, thank goodness," Claire whispers.

I frown, a thought coming to my mind.

"Do you think people make edits of me?" I ask.

"Probably," Claire shrugs, taking her phone back. "I can check."

I lean towards her, seeing her type in Y/N Johansson before pressing enter. Claire clicks the first Tiktok that shows up. It's not an edit, sadly. It's an interview of me from the premiere of Black Widow. Claire scrolls to the next Tiktok and presses the hashtag with my name.

"Here's one!" She yelps, excitedly. 

It's an edit of me walking the red carpet— and I have to admit, damn, I do look kinda hot. 

"Holy shit," Claire says as she scrolls to the next Tiktok. "You workout?"

I scowl. This brat. She really thinks all I do is sit around and eat junk food?

"Yes, I do. I hope you do too, it makes you fit."

"You're calling me unfit?" She yells into my ear.

Loud-ass two-year-old who can't take a joke.

"You're going to make me deaf," I hiss. "Give me that."

I grab Claire's phone from her and scroll through some Tiktok, stopping at one with Scarlett.

"Aw, I remember this interview," I coo. "The food was great!"

Claire tackles me to the bed, trying to get her phone back. I raise it over my head so she can't reach it. Not only is she a loud-ass but she's also a short-ass. 

A laugh escapes me as she whines, "Give it back! Give it back! It's not funny! Give it back!"

The door opens and we freeze. 

"Y/N, are you bullying Claire? I could hear you from downsta— oh," Scarlett stops. Seeing our seemingly innocent position. (From our point of view.) 


I guess it's not that innocent. Our faces are flushed. Something that's not good. 

Claire scrambles away, blushing, and sputtering an apology. My face is probably red too. I can feel it heating up.

Hopefully, I look as flabbergasted as I am.

I open my mouth, blurting out the first thing that comes to my mind, "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"

Scarlett does not look impressed.

In her defense, that is what they all say, right?



I am deeply concerned that mainly 18-25 year olds are reading a story a thirteen-year-old made for fun. I mean I'm not judging you as you promote my story, but the target audience was like teens my age. Anyway, I'm planning to write a coming out chapter soon or probably never. As always, requests are open.

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