Chapter One

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A/N: Okay, so this isn't a completely new story. I was notified a few days ago that this story was no longer on here. I contacted Wattpad and really was given no explanation as to why this was taken down, so I am reposting it.

The war is finally over

The war that was waged against the vampires.

We lost.

Though, I wouldn't really consider it a war. It only lasted about a year, not nearly long enough to earn the title of "war". It was a pitiful one really; no amount of man-made weaponry could even come close to equaling the brute force and strength of the vampires. They were ruthless as well, and had no qualms in killing thousands of humans who tried to get in their way. This was such a scary time for those of us who had nothing do with the fight mostly because we had no idea what was going on half the time, there was no radio or TV coverage and the newspaper were also scarce.

The News that was currently on in the living room of my parent's house was the first time that we had been sure about what was going on since the fight began a few months before.

It was midnight and I had been asleep, but my parents had woken me up so I could hear the announcement firsthand. My eyes were currently glued to the screen as the man onscreen – obviously a vampire, due to his extremely pale skin – spoke, "The war is over." he started, before smiling broadly and flashing his fangs to the camera, making my mom and me gasp in shock, they were long and frightening, "Vampires have won the puny battle that you humans attempted to wage against us. We have already take care of those who openly defied us and fought us," as he spoke, images flashed across the screen, pictures and videos of blood and gore, the openly murder of world leaders prior to the war and army generals from countries all around the world. The images were disgusting, I found myself attempting to push the bile that wanted desperately to come up back down my throat.

The vampire came back on the screen, smiling wickedly as he continued, "I do hope that you pathetic humans got the message. If you defy us, you'll end up just like your leaders, possibly worse." he threatened before his demeanor changed to one of comfort, though his next words were anything but, "Most of you are probably wondering what's going to happen now that the fight is over. Don't worry... you'll know your new purpose in life soon. Word will be sent out in whatever way I see fit. Though, some of you will find out sooner than others. And, even more will get a warning that others won't. Until then, go on with your useless lives."

That was the only thing we heard from any of the vampires for a couple of days. Sure, we saw vampires practically everywhere where the sun couldn't get to them. But, that was the only sign that things were different. At least, at first.

It wasn't until January 5 2010 that things changed.

Although, the day started out normally; I got up at my normal time (6:45 AM), showered and dressed, and ate breakfast before catching the bus and heading to school.

School was not normal. The halls were much emptier than I remembered them being just the day before. My homeroom class was missing a total of thirteen students; nearly half of the class was gone. What was even weirder was the fact that some teachers were missing as well, including my homeroom teacher, Mrs. Wilson. That was a huge clue that something was happening... it was not a coincidence that the vampires took over only a few weeks before and all of sudden a bunch of people were missing.

I was standing there in the doorway, with my mouth gaping open when the principal, Mr. Wells, stepped in behind me, and cleared his throat rather loudly. I moved out of his way as he stepped into the room and made his way to the front of the classroom. Those of us in the room simply watched him as he made his way to the front.

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