Chapter Two

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When I regained consciousness a few hours later (or at least that's what I assumed), I was a little confused at first. My mind was too hazy from sleep to comprehend or remember anything for a few seconds. Though, it only took that long for me to realize that my hands were tied and I was still blindfolded. When I realized that, everything came flooding back to me in one huge rush. I had been kidnapped and was being taken to some vampire named Damien, who was going to do God only knows what to me.

It took me another moment to realize that several things had changed since I had fallen asleep. For one, I was no longer gagged, and I was able to take in a huge lungful of air, that I was very thankful for. I also was no longer lying on the floor; instead, I found myself lying across the leather seat with my head lying in someone's lap. That realization made me get up, or at least try, but the hands that were suddenly on my shoulders prevented me from moving; they shoved me back down again.

"Ah, finally awake I see... did you have a nice nap?" it took me a moment, in my grogginess to recognize the voice of Jerrick coming from above me. It only took me another second to realize that it was his lap my head was lying in. Not a very comforting thought, and with his hands still on my shoulders, I was unable to move from my position.

"I asked you a question, Casey..." he growled, "Remember what I said, I expect a verbal answer. I hope you can remember the rest." his words were dark and held the threat of pain if I didn't comply.

"S-sorry..." I mumbled, "Yes, I did, sir."

"Good girl for remembering." He praised.

I didn't say anything to that, mostly because I really had nothing to say.

"Would you like something to drink?" was the next question. It was obvious that he hadn't expected me to respond to his last comment.

"Yes, please." It wasn't until the question was asked that I realized how dry my mouth really was. I tried to swallow and winced because my throat was so parched that the simple act hurt.

"Such good manners." he noted, "I think Damien is going to like you... he likes the ones that already know how to behave." he explained, as he pushed me up into a sitting position. "He doesn't have the time or the patience, to put up with training the disobedient ones."

I didn't respond to that, I just shifted, trying to get into a more comfortable position.

Other than the squeaking of the leather as I shifted positions; it was quiet before I felt the coolness of a glass touch my lips, I opened my mouth and the glass was tipped to allow the cool water within to quench my thirst. I gulped down the entire glass before it was taken away from me, but I felt much better, "Thank you." I whispered as I was pushed back down again.

"What are you doing?" Kale's voice broke the silence. "You're not warming up to her already..."

Jerrick snorted, "No, I'm not. Kale, I have been doing this longer than you have. You've only been capturing humans for about a week; I've been doing it for nearly two months."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I've had more time around humans and I have a better understanding of how they behave. And, over the past two months, I've discovered that if you treat the scared and cooperative ones like this, they are less likely to lash out all of a sudden. There's no point using scare tactics on a human who's already frightened." he said, "It could really only make things worse."

"How so?"

"We picked up a girl a week ago who was more frightened then this one was and was being as cooperative as she could be and she made one little mistake and I freaked her out to the point that she had a panic attack. It took a good ten minutes to calm the girl down. I would not like a repeat of that if I can help it." he said, "Our job is not to scare them half to death or to the point that it causes permanent mental damage, even though it's rare, it could and does happen. Our only objective is to capture and deliver them to their assigned Master or Mistress, that's all." he explained

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