Chapter Four

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I barely had time to be scared at what he was going to do to me because the next thing I knew, he suddenly had me pinned to the car door, the door knob digging painfully into my back. His hands griped my shoulders in a painful grip as he leaned over me, his face mere inches away from my neck. I heard a ripping noise, and it took me only a moment of glancing around to find the source of the noise: he had ripped the neck part of my turtle neck, exposing my neck to his waiting mouth. The action made me gulp, "You shouldn't have taken that blindfold off, Casey." He growled, his head still inches from my now exposed neck.

I tried to squirm away from him, but that just made him hold onto me tighter and I winced when I felt his nails digging painfully into my shoulders, even through the fabric of my shirt it hurt.

He continued, "You weren't supposed to see that." He explained, "At least not yet. Though, I suppose it doesn't matter much, really. You already know what I am, don't you?" he asked, though it was a rhetorical question since he didn't even give me enough time to answer before he asked another question, "So, why did you take it off?"

"I-I was a little curious, I thought –" I wasn't even able to finish by explanation

"Curious?" he asked, an eyebrow arched questionably, "'ve heard the saying: 'Curiosity killed the cat', haven't you Casey?" he asked, leaning up so his face was no longer so close to my neck, but mere inches from my face instead. Not that that was much better, but at least his mouth was farther away from my neck, and that was a definite improvement. Though it was a small improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.

I nodded dumbly, wondering where this was headed. Though, I had a feeling I was not going to like it.

"Well, I think after tonight, you're going to get a whole new respect for that saying and learn what it really means in this world." he explained.

"Wh-what are you –"

"– going to do?" he finished for me.

I nodded.

"I'm going to show you just what happens to those who get a little too curious and don't follow a very simple order because of their own curiosity." he leaned in close again, "I'm going to show you something that should answer enough questions to prevent you from being curious enough to disobey a direct order again. At least for now."

A new voice spoke up, so suddenly that I jumped in surprise "Sir, I don't think –"

"Shut up and just drive, Daniel." Damien growled from above me, "This is none of your concern."

"But sir –"

Damien took his gaze off mine long enough to glare at the boy, "Fucking stay out of this, Daniel. Turn around in your seat and let's go, I don't have all bloody night."

Daniel was quick to follow the orders, and as he did, Damien turned his gaze back on me. A gaze so intense that I turned my face away to stare at the back of the driver's seat in front of me. He didn't let me get away with that though, since he grabbed hold of my chin and forced my eyes to meet his. I then tried to move my gaze to stare past his right shoulder, he didn't like that either, "Look at me, Casey," he ordered, and against my better judgment I returned my gaze to his face, "Are you ready?"

I gulped, knowing that saying 'no' was useless and 'yes' would be a downright lie, so I just choose to stare at him. I knew he was going to do this whether I wanted him to or not.

He didn't bother reprimanding me for not giving him a verbal answer, he just starting showing me exactly how much of a monster he really was. His face began to change, contorting into something grotesque and inhuman, sort of what I had seen on the old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer I used to watch every weekday after school. Though, this time it was so much scarier because it was actually real and belonged to a man – vampire – sitting only a few inches in front of me. Plus, it looked darker somehow. I watched, transfixed as his eyes bled to the same blood red color I saw just a few moments before, but what scared me the most was the lengthening of his already long fangs.

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