Chapter Three

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When I become conscious; I didn't open my eyes right away... not willing to wake up, one part of me didn't simply because I was still exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep. The other half was afraid that when my eyes opened they would reveal that everything that had happened last night had been real. And there was a small part of me that was hoping that it had all been some terrible dream and I was lying safely in my bed and my mom would come into my bedroom any minute now to drag me out of bed so that I could get ready for school.

Though, all hopes of that being the case were crushed when I heard the soft voices coming from the other side of the room. Those voices were enough to prove to me that I had not been dreaming. Especially, since I happened to recognize one of the voices – the one belonging to Damien. The other one was female; at least it sounded female since it was soft with a breathy quality to it. I knew no male who talked like that.

"What's her name again?" the female was asking, that was the first sentence that my brain was able to distinguish through the sleepy haze that was still clouding it.


"Hmm... she looks like a 'Casey'," the unknown female noted. "How's she behaving?"

"Pretty well... I think she's too terrified though. So, I'm not exactly sure if this is how she acts all the time or if this is just an act and the real Casey will come out once we've arrived at her new home."

"Hmmm... though I cannot believe that you got another one, Damien. Didn't you tell me just last week that the three you already had was enough? And, here you are – not even a week later purchasing another one. Care to explain that to me? Don't give me that look; I'm not the only one that's just a little curious as to why you bought her when you turned down Jerrick just last week, who had some very nice humans to pick from... probably better than her."

"I don't see how it's anyone's business, Natasha." Damien said, "I don't need to explain anything to you." he growled the last part.

"Of course you don't, Damien."

"Then why did you even ask?" he wondered. Though, he didn't give her any time to answer the question.

"You can stop pretending that you're asleep, Casey, I know you aren't." Those were the first words he said to me. I vaguely wondered how he had known I wasn't asleep, I wasn't even facing him, plus my eyes were closed. I was so busy pondering that I didn't even hear him approach until I felt the bed dipping under his weight as he sat down behind me. He didn't say anything, but I could feel his eyes boring into the back of my head. I just lay there, waiting for him to do something. I didn't have to wait long before he rolled me over so I was now lying on my back. My eyes opened, mostly out of instinct, as he did this and I found myself staring into his own as he opened his mouth to speak, "Are you going to get up now Casey or am I going to have to force you to follow my very easy instructions?" he asked. His voice was soft, but his eyes were what scared me, they were intense and held a very obvious threat in them... if I didn't comply with his wishes, he was not going to be happy and I was not going to like the punishment that would ensue because of my disobedience.

I wasn't about to test his patience, so I shook my head and rolled over, so I would have enough room to get out of the bed without having to touch him. Though, that ended up being a bad idea because I was already near the edge of the bed and rolling over had me coming in contact with thin air. I cried out in surprise as I fell and let out an 'oof' shortly after when I landed on the plush carpet on the floor, completely tangled in the silk sheets.

Damien let out an exasperated sigh before he spoke from the bed, "Now, that is exactly why I did not want you huddled so close to the edge of the bed, Casey." he said, his voice held annoyance with a hint of amusement. "You were bound to fall off, sooner or later." I felt my face heat up as he spoke; since it was a little embarrassing being seen falling so ungracefully out of bed.

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