Chapter Six

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Anna was surprised to see me when she turned around from her place at the stove where she was busy fixing breakfast... or was it dinner? Daniel was leaning up against the counter, next to the stove. I didn't give either one of them a chance to speak before I explained what I was doing in there myself, "I have ten minutes to eat before I have to go join him in his office and wait for his guests to arrive, so I can entertain them."

"Did he –"

"Yes, he did... and it was fairly disgusting."

"Oh... Casey, he would never bite you down there." Anna explained, "He –"

"I'm sure he wouldn't, but, you know, it's the principle of thing. The way that he said it just makes me..." I trailed off, shivering at the memory of the smirk that crossed his face and the creepy gleam in his eyes.

"Didn't you say that you were here to get something to eat?" Anna asked, changing the subject rather quickly, not that I minded.

I nodded, "Yea"

"Well, go sit down and I'll fix you something," she ordered, nodding towards the table, catching my look, she added, "And, yes... I remember that you're a vegetarian, Casey."

"Oh... okay," I mumbled before I went and sat down at the table. "Are you sure that I can't be of some help?"

Anna turned back around to look at me, "No thanks... I've got it. Like I said last night, this is my job after all." she shrugged before turning back around and flipping the bacon over. I scrunched my nose in disgust, the whole idea of eating meat always made me a little sick. I turned my head, not wanting to look at it anymore.

"So, did you sleep well last night?"

I nearly jumped out my chair at the sudden sound of Daniel's voice right next to me. I had been so distracted watching Anna cook that I hadn't seen or heard Daniel coming over and taking a seat at the table next to me.

I shrugged, "Well enough, I suppose. Did you?"

He nodded, "How's your neck?"

"What?" I asked.

"Your neck is hurting because of... you know, is it?"

I suddenly realized what he was asking, "Oh, no, it's fine."

"That's good."

A very awkward silence followed that statement. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair as I tried to come up with something to say, I was pretty shy when it came to talking to other people, especially, those of the opposite gender. I just tended to freeze up whenever I was around a boy, especially when said boy was cute and I had a small crush on him.

Luckily, for both of us, Anna chose that time to place a sandwich – peanut butter and jelly – in front of me with a small bowl of fruit on the side.

"Hey! Where's my food?" Daniel asked playfully.

Anna rolled her eyes, "It's not done cooking yet, Daniel, bacon and eggs are a little harder and more time consuming then a sandwich with fruit."

"Oh," he said before he promptly crossed his arms and began pouting like a two year old. It was strange, to see someone as old as him with his mouth shaped into a frown, his bottom lip protruding farther than the top one.

I giggled at the expression, since it really did make him look like a two year old boy who hadn't gotten his way.

Daniel glared at me, but the expression quickly changed when Anna placed a plate in front of him, piled high with bacon and eggs. "There, are you happy now?" she asked, before going and grabbing her own plate and taking the empty stool next to him.

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