Chapter Eleven

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When the alarm went off the next morning, I was totally not ready for it. I desperately wanted to roll over and press the 'snooze' button a few times, but I knew I couldn't afford to lose the time that I need to practice the song I had picked to perform tonight. I had purposely set the alarm to go off an hour before it needed to and I wasn't going to waste it.

I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed and groped blindly for the lamp; hopefully after a while I would start remembering where the darn thing was and wouldn't have to grope randomly for it. The room was freezing as usual. It made me wonder whether Damien was trying to slowly freeze us to death. I wrapped the blanket around my body as I made my way out in the hallway and then into the bathroom. At least getting up early meant I got to use the bathroom without having to wait.

I took a quick shower, avoiding my hair since I had washed it the day before. I got out the shower and realized that I had left my uniform in my bedroom, so I left the warmth of the bathroom to enter the freezer that was my bedroom. I was thankful that my hair was not wet since I probably would have caught pneumonia if it had been.

I quickly changed into the bland uniform.

I booted up the laptop and logged on. I got on Youtube and found the song; listened to it a few times before deciding to open my mouth and actually practice. I had just started when I realized that the others were sleeping and that what I was doing was probably going to wake them. The last thing I wanted to do was bother anyone else. It took a few moments for me to come up with a solution to the problem. I got up, grabbed the laptop, bundled up in the blanket and made my way out of the room, down two sets of stairs and out of the front door... which was surprisingly not locked; at least not from the outside.

I placed the laptop on the railing that ran along the porch and began what was probably going to be the longest hour of my life.

I was leaning against the railing; watching as the sun slowly set behind the trees and complete darkness fell over the yard. I was taking a much needed break after having sung the song several times. I jumped when I saw a figure off in the distance; its eyes were two glowing coals in the darkness. It was beyond creepy and I unconsciously backed up towards the front door. It just continued to stare at me; the fact that it made no move towards the house still scared me.

I was so focused on the creature in the darkness that I didn't hear the front door open; though, considering who had opened it, I probably wouldn't haven't noticed had I even been paying attention.

"What the hell are you doing out here?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of Damien's livid voice behind me.

Honestly, I should have known that he would know that I had left the house. He probably had all the doors and windows attached to an alarm that was set to go off if they were open even a mere fraction of an inch.

It took a full minute for me to get the courage to turn around and face him. He looked calm for someone who has spoken with such anger in his voice not two minutes before. However, I could see the anger in his eyes.

"I – I –" I could only stutter underneath his intense stare. I had no idea how I would get out of this one; even though I knew I had done nothing wrong.

He stalked towards me until we were practically standing nose-to-nose... well, more like my forehead to his chin since he was taller than me. "Casey..." he growled, "What. Are. You. Doing. Out. Here?" He enunciated each word carefully, "I will not ask you again."

I took a deep breath, "I – I" he glared at me and opened his mouth, but I beat him to it, speaking so fast, I don't think he even understood me. "I just came out here to practice for tonight since I didn't want to disturb anyone upstairs."

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