Chapter Nine

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Anna was in the kitchen when I walked in a few minutes later. She was busy pouring a thick red liquid into tall wine glasses; it took me only a moment to realize what the red stuff was and that realization made me rather sick. But, then again if it meant that no one was biting me (or trying to) then I suppose it wasn't that bad and it could definitely be worse. They could be drinking from me.

Just the thought made me shiver and want to throw up. I would rather not be shared; having one vampire sucking from my neck was bad enough.

Anna turned away from what she was doing long enough to say, "Oh, hey Casey... if you'll give me a minute, I'll get something for you to eat."

I shrugged, "Don't bother."

She turned back to look at me, an eyebrow raised, "Why?"

"Because I'm being punished for being rude to one of his guests," I explained, "not that I regret it, the jerk totally deserved it. But, because of that, I'm not allowed to have any food for the rest of the night."

"Oh... Casey, you poor thing."

"It's alright, Anna... really. What he doesn't know is that I've gone without food before. Of course, it wasn't for this long, but if I did it once I can definitely do it again." I was determined to make it through the night without food; I was going to show him that he couldn't control me with it. Sure, I wasn't going to intentionally act out, but if something like what happened with Kale occurred again, I probably wasn't going to be able to control myself.

"So, I was told to come help you," I started, "Do you need any help?" I asked, hoping that she would say yes just so I could have something to do that would keep me away from the many vampires that were in the house.

I should have know that I wouldn't be able to get away from them for long, "Do you mind taking these out to them?" she asked, nodding to the several glasses of blood that was sitting on the tray as she continued to fill up the last couple of empty glasses.

I really didn't want to do that, I would rather stay in the kitchen with her, but I decided that I just better since Anna had other stuff to do and not else was around to help. "Sure," I replied somewhat reluctantly.

Anna didn't notice my discomfort as I reached for the tray after she had filled the last one. It took a few tries, but I was finally able to lift the thing up without almost dropping it. "Well, I'll see you later then."

"Bye! Thanks for your help Casey." she said before she turned her back on me and busied herself with the oven.

"You're welcome." I replied before I turned on my heel and left the room, walking slowly as to not drop any of the glasses.

I took a deep breathe and steadied the tray that held the ten glasses full to the brim with blood, the sight alone made me want to vomit. Honestly, I didn't like the sight of blood to begin with, but to be so close to some just made my stomach a bit queasy. I willed myself to calm down and forced the bile that wanted to come up back down my throat, which made my throat burn a bit.

I reluctantly raised my trembling hand about ready to knock, but before my hand could even touch the mahogany door, it opened in a giant whoosh; I was so surprised that I nearly dropped the tray. It wobbled precariously on my already shaking hand before it was effortlessly steadied by a pair of long fingers, that, once had the tray steadied, were placed onto my shoulders to help steady myself. I glanced up, somewhat surprised to find myself staring into Adrian's hazel eyes.

"I thought I heard someone out here." he smiled.

I just stared at him, silently wondering how he even knew I was out there at all. Though, the fact that he was a vampire pretty much answered that question; from my knowledge, they had really good hearing.

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