Chapter Seven

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Well, that was weird I thought as I stood right outside the door in the empty foyer. I was very confused about what had gone on in there. Several questions were running through my head, none of which had answers, and I had a feeling I wouldn't be getting answers any time soon. Obviously, Damien didn't want me to know what was going on since he kicked me out of the room rather quickly. Though, that was a bad decision on his part since he had peaked my curiosity. Who was this Alexandra? And why did the simple mentioning of her name cause him to get so angry? Did I really look so much like her? If so, why? And why did it bother him so much?

I had no answers to any of those questions, but I had every intention of finding out. My curiosity wouldn't let me ignore this.

Now that I had that settled, I just had to figure out what to do now. It wasn't like he told me where I could go or what I could do before he told me to leave. It's not like he was courteous enough to give me instructions. But, I decided to play it safe and go see Anna in the kitchen and keep her company until Damien decided that he wanted me back in the living room with him.

Those plans were ruined when I found the kitchen to be just as deserted as the foyer. Which, I found kind of odd, wasn't it Anna's job to cook? So, shouldn't she be in here? Well, apparently not, she must have finished cleaning up after breakfast and went somewhere. Guess I was going to spend my time exploring, trying to find her or at least keep myself busy until Damien decided he wanted to see me again. Not that I really wanted that, so I was hoping that he took awhile.

I left the kitchen and headed back into the foyer, I winced as I past the closed living room door since I heard loud yelling through the thick mahogany. It was too muffled to distinguish it, but it still startled me and made me jump slightly.

I avoided that door and wandered across the hall, towards a door that I had seen before, but one that I hadn't seen what was behind it.

The gold door handle was cool as I gripped it and twisted and then pulled it open. It made an odd squeaky noise, as if it hadn't been opened for awhile and the hinges needed some serious oiling. I winced at the noise and glanced behind me to make sure that no one had heard me. Although, there were three vampires with amazing hearing right across the hall, the house was still quiet, and if I listened close enough, I could hear raised voices coming from across the hall. It sounded like they were still arguing.

I stepped into the darkened room and quietly closed the door behind me. I turned and stared into complete darkness before turning around and attempting to find a light switch. After some groping, I managed to find it and was momentarily blinded as the room was flooded with light from the large intricate chandelier in the center of ceiling.

The room was large ballroom with hardwood floors and beautiful mirrors that reflected the light on two of the four walls. The wall directly across from the door had nothing but floor to ceiling windows, along side double French doors in the center. The windows were covered with the same type of blinds that were in Damien's office.

There was what looked to be a loan grand piano sitting in the far right corner of the room. I couldn't really tell since it was covered up with a white sheet so it was really nothing more than a white lump. There were a few tables and chairs strewn about, even though they weren't covered, it was obvious that they hadn't been used in awhile. I could see the thick layer of dust on some of the closer pieces of furniture. But, other than those few things, the room was completely empty. I went over to the far corner, my shoes made small "clicky" noises as I walked across the hardwood floor and my suspicions were confirmed, there was a piano under that white sheet, a big black grand piano that had not been tuned for a long while.

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