Chapter Ten

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I kept to myself for the rest of the night; trying my best to avoid Jaren and Kale, which was made difficult in regards to the former because he kept stalking me; he was pretty much anywhere I was. Though, at least I was never alone with him; there was always another vampire around to prevent him from doing anything. Interestingly enough, that vampire was Adrian who was also stalking me, but since he didn't creep me out it didn't make me as uncomfortable, but it was still a bit unnerving to see him in every possible place that I happened to find myself in all evening. But, it felt kind of nice since every time Jaren came near me, Adrian would step towards me and the other vampire would back off.

I didn't really seen Damien for most of the day; it was almost like he was avoiding me. Since I didn't have much interaction with him, I had no idea what I was supposed to do for the rest of the day so I just hung around with Anna and helped her with the house cleaning and cooking dinner.

It was at least a couple of hours before I saw him and even then that was only because he came into the kitchen where I was helping Anna clean up and ordered me to meet him in his office; he looked annoyed so I thought it was to my best advantage to follow that order without an argument.

I was surprised to find several people in it; all of whom I had seen at least once before, but that knowledge wasn't all that comforting since these were all people that I really didn't want to see so soon especially by myself. Everyone that had been in the conference room earlier was scattered around the room; the man that I knew to be Julian was sitting behind the desk staring at me with those creepy ice blue eyes of his. As if I wasn't uncomfortable enough already.

I probably would have continued to stare at him since his eyes were that hypnotic, but the sudden blocking of his stare by a body prevented me from getting too lost in them. Though, the sudden intrusion made me step back, mostly out of surprise at the closeness of the intruder. I was slightly relieved though when I saw who had stepped in front of me. Although, I didn't quite trust him after what I had overheard earlier in the evening, but he was a more familiar face than the others in the room.

"Hello Casey." Adrian smiled down at me.

"Hi," I said, somewhat meekly, I was still a bit intimidated by him and the presence of so many others didn't help much. Plus, I was a bit wary of him based on what I had overheard earlier that day; I was a bit suspicious of him and his true intentions.

"You don't have anything to worry about, Casey," he assured me since I think my look gave away my wariness of what was going on, "This has nothing to do with you. Well, it does, but not in a bad way. You're not in trouble at all."

"Oh," was all I could manage to say to that. The revelation did make me feel better though.

"Yes, this is all about Kale and what he did to you. It's against the law to sexually assault another vampire's property without permission, you know."

I didn't like the fact that I was now considered "property", but with such a powerful vampire in attendance, I wasn't about to protest the term.

"Damien really has no manners, does he?" Adrian asked, sounding annoyed, "I can tell just by looking at you, Casey that not only do you not have the slightest idea what is going on, but you also have no idea who any of these people are. It's so typical of him not to explain anything to anyone." he grabbed my arm and began leading me around the room, pointing out who was who for me. I wouldn't say he introduced us since there was no hand shaking involved. I now was able to place a face to a name of the different members of the vampire council, but I was pretty sure I would forget them as soon as they left. I wasn't the best at remembering names. Especially when I was a little nervous to begin with.

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