Chapter Eight

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I honestly don't know how long I played the stupid piano. But, judging by my outright annoyance at the stupid instrument (as if being forced to play was its fault) and my cramped up fingers, it had to have been a good ten minutes before he finally told me I could stop. Which were the first words he spoke to me since I had started, the only way I even knew he was still in the room was the occasionally sound of him shifting in his desk chair (which, was even hard to hear over the music, but if I strained hard enough, I could just make the sound out). It was almost like he was completely ignoring me.

"I wasn't ignoring you, Casey" were the first words he said to me after I had stopped playing, rubbing my fingers together and hoping that they would stop hurting after awhile.

However, at his words, I stopped what I was doing to stare at the piano keys in front of me, I knew for a fact that I hadn't spoken aloud, accidently or otherwise. The answer came so fast that it nearly knocked me over, Did he just-?

My mind wasn't even finished forming the thought before he answered, "Yes, I did and can read your mind, Casey. It's one of my special "gifts" I guess you could call it, that comes with being what I am. So, I would be careful about what you think about when you're around me." He warned lightly, before his voice turned deadly, "and I would also suggest that you keep all you bad thoughts about me or your situation out of your mind. I don't take kindly to being referred to by anything other what I have given you permission to call me, whether I hear it in your thoughts or your voice." He warned and I found myself gulping since I had a feeling the he had every intention of doing something I really didn't like if I so much as thought bad things about him while he was listening in.

I attempted to close my mind off as I felt him actually prying into my head. The feeling was uncomfortable and just felt wrong. He knocked my pathetic mental walls down, "If I were you, Casey, I would not attempt to close your mind in my presence since it will do nothing but make me suspicious that you are trying to hide something from me. Which, in turn would make me very angry," he whispered mere inches from my ear, I jumped as he had managed to join me on the small piano bench during his little spiel, which freaked me out since I hadn't even heard him move. He ignored my shock at seeing him suddenly sitting inches away from me, "and, you wouldn't want to make me angry, now would you?" he asked, gripping my upper arm tightly and squeezing harder when I didn't answer. "You might think that you have seen me angry, but you have actions and attitude have merely been out of annoyance at your lack of response and your constant forgetfulness over the most basic of my rules. So, I would appreciate it if you gave me the verbal answer that I'm looking for before my annoyance turns to anger."

I gulped again, but managed to get a pitiful sounding "yes, sir" out, even though it sounded pathetic to my ears, I was just thankful that I hadn't stuttered.

"Good." he murmured before he let go of my arm. I grabbed hold of the part of my arm that he had had in his death grip waiting for him to get up or at least say something to me. But, he did neither and I shifted uncomfortably down to the very end of the bench, which wasn't far since the bench was pretty small to begin with. However, before I could do just that, his arm came out and latched onto my own again, "I didn't tell you, you could move, did I?" he asked as he pulled me back to my previous position where my leg brushed up lightly against his. If that were not bad enough, he also didn't take his hand off my arm, he simply loosened his grip. I didn't even like being this close to a human boy, so to be in this position with a vampire was just uncomfortable, not to mention extremely terrifying. And, I had the distinct impression that he very well knew how it made me feel and did it just to get that kind of reaction.

We sat there in complete silence until finally after what seemed like hours, there was a loud knock on the door. That was what it took for him to get up and get out of my personal bubble that he was purposely crowding.

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