Chapter 6

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Adnan's POV

There are moments when you are overcome by emotions; a moment where nothing else matters except that very moment. The moment when your emotions are conquered and then elevated, when the world is covered in one hue of calmness.

Through out our drive, I could see just how uncomfortable Maryam was, how she kept looking out the window, but for me the drive was the best fifteen minutes of my life.

The only person to welcome us was the security guard.

"Welcome sir." He said before I even opened my door.

"Thank you Musa." I answered, hurrying to Maryam side to open her door but she beats me to it.

"Welcome Ma, Allah ya baku Zaman Lafiya." Musa said immediately she stepped out of the car.

"Thank you very much " Maryam said.

I led the way to our home opening the door for Maryam when we reached the doorway. She stepped in with her right leg and also say a Salam, I walked in beside her gently closing the door.

"Welcome home " I said, trying to start a conversation.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink first? Or would you like some water or some tea?" I asked nervously hoping to get something out of her.

"No, thank you," she answered weakly.

"Okay would you like to seat?" I asked seeing she must be tired.

"No thank you, I will just like to be shown my room please".

Leading the way, I showed her the master bedroom which was close to her room first which had some of her belongings in it, then I showed her, her room.

Welcome to your room", I said with a smile.

Thank you ", she said returning my smile.

"I should leave you to refreshing up", would you like anything?" I added heading out.

"No I'm good", I heard her reply half way to the door".

I went back to the master bedroom which I will be occupying to refreshing up, I am so exhausted, I can just imagine how exhausted Maryam is.

After I showered, I performed ablution and change into a white shirt with black sweatpants. I went back to Maryam room.

I knocked on her door gently, I'm so nervous, I have never been this nervous before. She opened the door after the second knock.

"Let pray nafil" I said.

"Okay" she said

"She went to the bathroom to perform ablution."

I took out two prayer mats from a drawer and sprawled it out. She came out of the bathroom and walked to her closet and brought out a hijab.

After praying I said few du'as into her ear. 

I stood up from the praying mat and she did the same, she took the praying mat to fold it. She looked graceful and her delicate movements of folding the prayer mat enhanced it.

I have never been one to notice what's on a person or their appearance but I noticed the detailed henna, the delicate Maroon flowers, the spiral black curves bordering the flowers and the red coloring on her finger tips.

"Are you hungry " I asked.


I went to the the kitchen to get us something to eat.

I saw a flask on the table, I opened it and saw fried rice.

I made a plate for both of us, I placed the plate of fried rice each with a bottle of water, a bottle of kunun aya I found in the fridge on the tray.  I decided to get extra bottle of water for her in case she gets thirsty at night.

"Thank you for the food, she said.

"You're welcome."

"Uhmm Maryam," I cleared my throat. "I know this marriage is not what we both wanted, I can't imagine how uncomfortable this arrangement is for you, you must be so inconvenienced and I am sorry. I will do my best to make this less awkward and uncomfortable for you. You can draw the lines where ever and whenever you wish, I promise I will never cross a line you have drawn. I will like us to take this step together and slowly, let us start with being friends. If it is okay with you.

"Thank you. Yeah we can be friends, may Allah make it easy and help us through all this". She said

"Ameen. Thank you. "Uhhm, Maryam. We will be leaving for maiduguri tomorrow afternoon.

Okay. She said.

Let me leave you to rest." If you need me I will be in the first room or you can call if you need anything.

"Okay goodnight, I said walking to the door.

"Goodnight, Allah ya tashe mu da Alheri." She said before I closed the door.

As I lay on my bed i found sleep was harder to claim me, I will have asked her to sit with me and talk, I want to find out everything about her, I want to know her hopes, her fears, what brings her Joy, her likes and dislike, her favorite food and color, if she likes to watch the sunset or sunrise. To think of it I don't know anything about her.

I have never felt a connection or closeness to anybody as i feel with her now, I fell like she has been a part of me, like we were created together as one. 

Except for Allah, it feels like she's the very essence of my being, having her as my wife is the meaning of my existence. I feel strangely complete, it feels like I am finally at home, it feels I am where I need to be,  nothing else matters but this; me being Maryam husband, me being fully, totally and utterly hers.

I am hers, I am hers this where I need to be. I tossed and turned for hours before finally, I was lost in a heavy slumber.

Hey guys😀 how are y'all doing.
Ya ibadah 😋 may Almighty accept it as an act of ibadah❣. Ameen🙏.

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