Chapter 7

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Maryam POV

The sun shines brightly as i walk around my house admiring each and every furniture and piece. Ammi really did go overboard with the furniture and all. My house has five master bedroom, spacious kitchen, two living room, lobby and all was of great high quality of furniture. My favorite is the kitchen cause it was grey and black. The backyard was breath taking with trimmed flowers and a swing just for enjoying a breezy evening.

I'm in the kitchen admiring everything in it, when the door bell ring and I went to open the door and Anisa jump on me.

Good morning Amaryaaaaaa! She said.

Good morning Anisa, how are you? Come in.  I said.

I'm good, and no I won't be coming in Not today. I have to go and pack my clothes for the trip, I don't want Umma to get angry at me. I just brought your breakfast, we would catch up later. Sorry.

Ohhh! I forgot about the trip, I haven't pack my clothes yet too. Alright, we're going to meet later.

I collected the flasks and took it to the kitchen before i escort her to the gate.

"Toh sai mu zo" I said.

I went back into the house, I turned on my mobile data to see a lot of messages, mostly from our whatsapp group, I opened the chats from the group first.

Fatima😍- people!! Our dear Mrs Adnan sagir is starting to forget about us💔🙁

I chuckled at my friends stupidity and replied the rest of my messages. I bumped into someone while typing a reply to Aisha. I looked up to see Adnan looking straight into my eyes with his piercing orbs.

"Sorry" Good morning. I said.

"Good morning Maryam, hope you slept well?"

"Alhamdulillah." I answered.

"I heard a female's voice." He said.

It was Anisa, she brought some breakfast over.


"Would you like some breakfast now." I asked.

"Yes please,"

"Lemme go set the tables" I went to the kitchen, I took the warmers and went to the dining table to set it. He helped me in serving our breakfast even though I told him I could handle it myself. I made some coffee for him and tea for myself.

We finished up, I took our plates to the kitchen. I came out and saw Adnan in the living room watching TV.

"How many days are we going to be spending in maiduguri. I asked Adnan.

We would be staying for a month over there. It is the family tradition for the newly wedded couple to spend a month in the family house, and Hajiya has been calling since to asked when are we coming. She is eager to meet her favorite grandson wife.
We would be going together with their Umma.

"Okay" I smiled nervously.


I've finished packing already, I took my bags to the living room. I saw Adnan in the parlour using his phone. "Are you sure you've packed everything?" I asked Adnan.

"Yes Maryam, he replies with a smile.

I sigh nervously, I am so nervous walahi. Ya Allah help me.

"Muje koo?" He asked and I nod grabbing my veil, we lock the house and said our supplications before leaving to Umma's house.

Adnan park the car in front of the huge mansion and we got down.

"Muje! (Let's go)" Adnan said.

"Asalamu Alaikum" Adnan enter before me pushing the front door, open. The house was a three story building. It was the true definition of beauty.

Amaryaaaaaa!! Anisa yelled hugging me tightly.    

I laugh nervously trying to breathe cause her hold on me was too tight.

"Hey" I coughed awkwardly as she let me go.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to strangle you to death." She laughed.

This girl is something else Allah....

I turned around and was looking for my husband who disappeared. Mstwww doesn't he know I'm not yet familiar with people around here. Maybe he forgot he got married yesterday and he now has a wife who isn't use to all this, my subconscious spoke making me hiss annoyed.

"Are you okay?" Anisa asked.

"Yes" where is Umma? I asked.

She is in her room, come let me take you there.

Why I'm i suddenly nervous?

"Asalamu Alaikum." I said as we entered the room. We met Ummah sitting on the couch.

We squatted and greeted her.

"Anisa please excuse us" Umma said and she nod her head exiting the room.

"What is your name seff?" She snapped when Anisa was out of sight. If I said I was taken back would be an understatement.


"I know your true colors, you have trapped my husband into your deadly trap and now you plan on trapping my son. Thinking you have succeeded koh? Toh let me make this clear to you once and all, I despise you, No despise is a small word, I detest you! You don't know me yet... well let me tell you something, you made a big mistake by marrying my son cause he is not your class. Adnan only agreed to this marriage cause he couldn't say no to his father, it's only a matter of time before i separate you both.

I was never in agreement of your wedding with my son, didn't my son inform you about it? Maybe he doesn't see the need to tell you about it after all he was asked to get married to you, well it's too late to back out now, the deed has been done. Shebi you are the one that has the guts to marry my son? Okay oooh!. This is just the beginning, I am going to make your life a living hell, just wait and see what I do to you..... she continued but I couldn't bring myself to hear more, it hurts, I left the room and ran outside crying.

"Maryam" a voice spoke and I cleaned my tears with my veil.

"What are you doing here?" Adnan asked.

It's nothing. I said.

Let's go greet Umma, she is in her room.

"I have greet her already, Anisa took me to her room."

Adnan gave me a weird look and he seems annoyed. Okay. Let's go to Abba's place.

"Asalamu Alaikum, we said as we entered Abba's living room.

"Wa Alaikum Salam," sannun ku da zuwa.

We greet him and he was so affectionate towards me.

Shit is going to go down in Gamboru.......

What do y'all think about Umma? Will she ever get to like Maryam?

Dun  dunnnn!!!!
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