Chapter 9

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Maryam POV

Maiduguri, Gamboru town.

"...An DAURA AUREN  ADNAN SAGIR  DA RABI AHMAD" Adnan listened as the wedding Fatiha was being conducted.

He ended the call with Rabi and used his palm to wipe of his face. That's it, he is officially married to Rabi.

Only a few people that were in support of the marriage attended the Nikkah. Na'im his friend lost it the day he told him about the alliance with Rabi.

A few people walked over to him and congratulated him, he couldn't even keep the fake smile he had when he was married to Maryam, this is just different.

While others left without bothering to congratulate him, he felt so numb at the moment that he didn't bother looking around to see the people around him to see whether they are people he knows or not. 

Rabi happiness at the moment knew no bound, she has never been that happy in her life. She's finally married to the man of her dreams.

She doesn't care who is against the wedding and who isn't, the only thing that matters to her is her happiness and hers alone.

"Rabi your husband is here" Sadiyah  (Rabi bestie) came into the room beautifully dressed in a black Ankara which was sewn in a fitted gown.

I can't believe I'm finally married to him" Adnan sagir Abdullah is my husband!! She said enthusiastically.

You're so hyped Rabi, calm your horses girl, he's all yours and in no time he'll be only yours, we'll send his wife out of his life for good".

"Fix her makeup please" sadiya said to the makeup artist.

"I just can't wait for that to happen wallahi" Rabi said.

She walked in with her head down and sat down beside Adnan. He shifted not liking how close she was sitting beside him and fidget his hands his eyes fixed on them the whole time.

"You look beautiful" he said not knowing what to say and he didn't even look at her.

"Thank you" she said shyly.

"How are you doing" feeling her intense gaze on his head looked up.

She looked breathtaking and he couldn't keep his eyes of her, how will his heart stay loyal to both his wife when he's married to goddesses.

No doubt Maryam is finer than Rabi but Rabi is dark in complexion and a complete definition of black Beauty.

"I'm doing good and you?" She cast her head downwards liking the way her husband is looking at her.

"I'm good too he smiled.

"That's enough for now it's time for pictures " her sister said coming into the parlour.

Rabi smiled when Adnan stood up and brought his hands out for her to take. She took it in without doubt and when her hand touched his, he felt a spark in his body.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds taking in the feel of his soft hand.

The photographer came in and took a few shots. Adnan hands was practically around her waist but he touch her till she placed her hand on his making his hand rest on her hips.


Maryam sat between Anisa and Maimuna in tears, ( Maimuna is Anisa sister in law, she is married to Na'im Adnan's cousin brother) she couldn't believe her husband got married a week after their wedding. She felt suffocated at the moment like the room was getting tighter with each time she blinks.

She has never felt more betrayed than she feels now. She is so Broken, she knows that they had an arranged marriage but he could at least think of how she would feel. He didn't even consider to inform her about it, she has to hear it from Umma who seems extremely happy about this wedding.

She can clearly remember when Umma broke the news to her. 

"Asalamu Alaikum" I salamed  entering Umma's room where she was seated legs crossed on her peach royal couch, she barely answered my Salam as she motions for me to sit on the ground in front of her.

So you have finally bewitched my husband and the rest of the family members? Okay oooh..... continue.... I will never let you breathe peacefully in this house since you are a devil!!! She threatened...
Haven't your darling husband told you about what is happening tomorrow? She asked with a smirk plastered on her face... Maryam has messed with the wrong woman.

"No Umma" Maryam replied she felt her heart break to what Umma is about to say, She rolled her eyes mentally. She hates suspense.

"I wonder when he is planning on telling you about it, is it after the deed has been done? You ought to know" she snapped feigning anger, even though she was dancing with joy inside her heart.

"Tell me what"

"That he is getting married tomorrow insha Allah.

"The tears she tried to hold in cascaded down her cheeks. "It can't be true" she brought her palm to her lips crying silently.

Umma took out an invitation card and gave it to her. She watched as she read the card in shock.

"Adnan sagir weds Rabi Ahmad" she dropped the card and ran to her apartment.

That night she smiled with tears in her eyes looking eye ball to eye ball at him who opened his mouth to explain but she stops him and utter Ango!!! 

"Maryam let's talk"

"Sssh... what are you wearing tomorrow? You look breath taking in white, how about your white babban riga you wore on our wedding day? That look good on you" she comment rummaging through his wardrobe for the perfect attire. 

"Are you okay?"

"Why won't I be okay? Umma is happy about this marriage then who on earth I'm to not be happy about it? She said masking away her tears as she lay the clothes on the bed.

"I'm sorry Mar... i..."

"Adnan go to bed, tomorrow is a big day" she smiled painfully.

"Goodnight and with that she left him to think about everything that is happening.


"Adnan!! Maryam and Rabi are your wives and they both deserve your love, attention and respect. I want you to do justice to them. May Allah bless your home with happiness, peace and contentment. " Abba spoke and he nods.

Hey lovelies 😘
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How would you feel if your husband gets married one week after your wedding?

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