Chapter 8

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Maiduguri, Gamboru town; Waziri Gwoza Street.........

It was a long drive from the gate to the main house. Adnan park the car in front of the huge mansion and we all got down saying Alhamdulillah and stretching.
I think I broke a bone.... I hate traveling walahi.

"Everyone should go to his room and rest immediately after isha prayers everyone should come to the main living room where we will meet Hajiya" Abba said and everyone nod his heads.

"And food will be brought to everyone" he says. Everyone walks away to their various place while I stay there looking for my husband who disappeared. Mstwww what is with him and leaving me, doesn't he know I'm don't know anywhere to go to?

Should I entered the house?

What if I meet Umma and she insults me again.

I tap my feet impatiently on the floor, ugh there is a limit to everything aii.

Let's go!! A voice spoke and I gasp placing my hands on my chest scared.
It was Adnan and he didn't even cared I got scared, he then start walking while I follow him quietly.

"Where did you go to?" I asked annoyed.

"I went to check on something" He replied unconcerned and I nod my head. Why is he acting as if I offend him, I am the one that is supposed to be annoyed here, he just disappears and leave me all alone when he knows I don't know where to go to.

We arrived in front of an apartment and Adnan push the door open with a key from his pocket, entering the room I let out a gasp taking in the beautifully decorated parlour, it was neat and scented with turaren wuta.

I removed my veil that was lazily hang over my shoulder and fold it then drop it on the sofa.

I will go freshen up and I will be occupying this room here he said pointing to the door. You can choose the room you like.

The apartment has three bedroom, spacious kitchen, one living room, and the kitchen was green and white.

I picked the last room, which was at the far end of the house. I liked the room. It was beautifully decorated with a king size bed, dressing mirror, walk in closet, bathroom and book shelf. It was painted in a grey shade and it smells nice.

I start to unpack my suitcase. I arranged everything in the wardrobe, put away the suitcase and brought out a pair of grey sweatpant and T-shirt. 

Someone knocks on the door and I open it slowly to reveal two Fulani women, they were both holding trays if food and they greeted me in Fulfulde.... and I muttered sannu. They drop the food and left just as Adnan steps out of his room.

"I'm starving.... please serve me"

"What will you eat..." I said opening the flasks and nice aroma hits my nose. There is Masa and miya, tuwo and miyan kuka, jollof rice and fura da nono....

I want Masa and jollof rice. He said

I served him then went back to my room to freshen up and then eat before taking a nap.


Adnan's grandma whom they fondly called "Hajiya" is a fifty-five year old healthy Fulani woman, who is friendly, nice with dark long hair and fair skin. She can be very authoritative, when she says something it happens willingly or unwillingly.

Personally Hajiya wasn't against the marriage in fact she was very happy her favorite grandson was finally settling down.

Maryam was gorgeously dressed in a black and pink lace and she tie her head tie neatly on her head, she applied kohl to her eyes, lip balm to her dry lips, she spray oud perfume before grabbing her veil and draping it over her shoulder. It was after isha prayer and they were going down to the parlour as commanded, Maryam has prayed in sujood for Hajiya to like her and not hate her like her mother in-law.


"Are you sure you can wrap Adnan around your little finger and make his world around you and only you? Hajiya Halima ask the fair woman who was wearing a fitted gown that brought out her curves and booty.

Haba Umma you've known me since when I was a kid you ought to have trust me ai.... I have love Adnan since the beginning of maturity and puberty... He is the only man I have ever loved and still love now that I have the opportunity to love him officially do you think I will sit down and watch someone take him away from me. Impossible!!! She replies smirking. Adnan is mine! Now he shall love me only, he can't resist my beauty talk more of not getting wrapped around me... that one is not even an option. Whether I'm the second wife or first it doesn't matter, as long as i am his wife then he is mine alone.

"Very good my daughter, Allah ya baku Zaman Lafiya.


Hey guys😄. TGIF
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