Chapter 5

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Anthony's Point of View

It's been two weeks after I blew up at my dad, and unsurprising, he left on a "business trip" immediately after it. I'm meeting Courtney (Mrs.Jackson) with my mom for lunch today at the diner, just because my mom and her get along so well. I usually have a therapy appointment every week, so this meal will probably count as my therapy appointment for the week. And I didn't say anything to her about my dad in the last session. She's also probably going to ask me if I met anyone over the past two weeks, and I'm scared to say that I didn't. Though, I am more comfortable with Mrs.Jackson now, I feel better to speak my feelings around her, and she seems really cool now.

"Honey, you almost ready to go?" My mom asked me

"Yea, I'll be down in a second." I yelled down to her

I got up from my bed and went down the stairs and got ready to leave.

"Ok, you got everything you need?" She asked

"Yea, let's go." I said

"Ok good." She said

We left the house and got into the car. The restaurant we were meeting at was very close to our house, so we didn't really talk along the way, we just listened to some music.

We arrived. We got out of the car and went inside the restaurant.

We saw her immediately as we walked in

"Hello Courtney, how are you?" My mom asked

"I'm good Lindsay, how are you?" Mrs.Jackson asked

"I'm great, thank you. Shall we sit?" My mom said

"Yes we shall." Mrs.Jackson said

We all sat down at a booth and looked at our menus deciding what we wanted to eat.

"So, Anthony, how have you been over the past week?" She asked me

"Well, school has been fine, keeping the same grades, not as depressed, oh and there's one more thing. Oh yea, I finally blew up at my dad for being a bitch, and he left the house immediately after." I told her

"What, seriously?!" She said

"Yea, I was done with him, so two weeks ago, I had enough." I said

"Ok, good for you, but why didn't you tell me last week at our session?" She asked

"I guess I just wasn't ready to talk about it, I guess I was in denial that it actually happened." I told her

"Ok, that's really good of you Anthony. It's great that you were finally able to face your feelings and your fears. I am so proud of you." She told me

"Thanks Mrs.Jackson." I said

The waitress came and took our orders and we got our food a little bit after that.

"How are your eggs Anthony?" My mom asked

"They're fine, how's your omelette?" I asked

"It's very nice, thank you Anthony." She said

"Hey Anthony, I forgot to ask, did you try putting yourself out there, and meeting someone?" She asked me

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