Chapter 11

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Heather's POV

It's been near five weeks since since I talked to Mark and he said he wanted "to bring an end to Anthony." Ugh, I don't even know why he wants to get revenge on Anthony so much, it's not like he did so much wrong, it's partly his fault.

But now I have to call Bridgette again, it's important to know how close she is to finishing the saw, time is running out, and we have to move on with our plan.

It's time.

So I decided to ask for a call.

"Hey, fat head, I need a phone call." I asked a security guard

He sighed

"Okay fine, you know the drill, let's go." He said

He let me out of the cell, and brought me to the phones, I then dialed Bridgette's phone number and put it up to my ear to listen if it rings.

She picked up literally immediately.

"Hey Heather, what's up?" Bridgette asked

"Hey, so I just wanted to call you, and check in." I said

"Thanks, I'm doing just fine." She said

Yea, Bridgette has never been the smartest when it comes to social communication or anything regarding basic and obvious.

Even though, she has a job where you have to be basically brilliant to get, and to be on top of the economic social structure.

So she's intelligent, but doesn't understand basic common social and communication skills.

"Oh Bridgette, that's not what I meant." I said sighing

"Oh, what did you mean?" She asked

Oh my.

"I meant, how is the making of the saw going, are you almost done? I asked

"Oh, that's what you meant. Yea, I've been meaning to tell you, I'm really close to being done." Bridgette said

"How close? How much longer do you think it's going to take?" I asked

"At most, a week. But, I believe I'll be able to have it finished by before that." She said

"Ok, that's good. I feel like we need to up the speed on our plan, we need to move forward." I said

"Ok, try to call me in like five days, that should be the time I will have them done by." Bridgette said

"Ok, I will. I got to go Bridgette, see you soon." I said

"Ok, bye Heather." She said

And I hung up the phone.

I then got escorted back to my cell, and then I heard a lot of yelling and screaming.

I had no clue what it could be.

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