Chapter 12

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Anthony's POV

Right When Anthony Confronted Lindsay

"Mom, can we talk?" I asked

"Of course honey, I'm always going to be willing to talk to you." She said

"Uh-" I started to say very slowly

"Is everything okay honey, is there something wrong?" She asked

"Mom, I know dad's been abusing you." I said

I said it. The pressure is off.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" She asked

"I've seen dad hurt you and abuse you many times throughout a few days." I said

"Anthony, your dad's not abusing me, maybe you misunderstood what you saw." She said

I know she's lying, it's obvious.

"Mom, stop lying, I don't want you to lie to me. You have to tell me the truth." I said

"Ok, you're right Anthony, your father is abusing me." My mom said

"Yea, I got that." I said sarcastically

"I'm sorry Anthony, I just didn't want to tell you because you're already struggling and I didn't want to add any more stress onto you." She said

"It's fine mom, but I don't want to see him hurt you, I really hate witnessing it myself." I said

"Anthony, I'm really sorry." She said

"Whatever mom, it hurts that you couldn't have told me this yourself, and I couldn't have been there for you." I said really hurt

"Anthony I feel really bad, is there anything I can do for you?" She asked

"No, but I'm going to go to Trent's, so just text me when you want me to come home." I said

Then I left the house and walked all of the way to Trent's house.

I get to their house, and knock on the door.

Then, Trent's mom, Gwen answered the door.

"Oh hey Anthony, I didn't know you were coming over?" She asked

"Yea, I'm sorry if I'm intruding or anything, I just needed to clear my head." I said

"No, no, you're not intruding on anything, you're welcome anytime, come on in." She said

"Thanks." I said

I then walked in the house, looking for Trent.

"Gwen, is Trent here?" I asked

"Yea, he's upstairs with Justin." She said

"Ok, can I go upstairs to hang out with them?" I asked

"Yea, definitely. But first, Anthony, you know how if you're having any trouble at home, you are always welcome here." She said

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