The Line

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"Will you please show Mr Felix where he will be staying Y/n?" Mr Agreste said. "Yes of course sir." I grinned slightly towards him and waved Felix over to follow me.

As we walked down the familiar halls I can't help but notice the uncomfortable tension between me and Felix. I try to focus on the uncoordinated taps of our shoes to take my mind of the awkwardness between us two, but no matter how hard I try. I can't seem to focus.

So I try to make small talk.

"Hey- so Felix! Haha- what brings you here!-In Paris! Ha- heh-...."

The look Felix gave me was the nastiest look I've ever received from someone.


"I don't know what I did wrong Adrien!" I fall backwards onto his bed letting out a hard sigh "I didn't even say anything to him until that one moment! Why did he have to go all nasty on me?"

I was currently in Adriens room asking for advice on what to do about the situation with Felix. Felix was currently in the guest room—well more like my room. I've stayed in it so often it's covered in my own decorations and furniture. But it still had the extra bed in case something like this ever happened.

"We'll I haven't seen my cousin for a very long time but when we were kids I always thought he was the judgy type." Adrien told me. He's been trying to give me advice for the past 30 minutes. Let's just say he's not the best. I'd assume since he can't even take a hint about Marinette's feelings.

"Thanks for the advice Adrien but I think I'm gonna turn in for the night, I still have some homework to do." I yawned as a walked out of the boys ridiculously gigantic room.

When I opened the door to my room I saw Felix standing by his bed unpacking his stuff. By unpacking his stuff I mean putting his stuff everywhere. He even rearranged and took some of my stuff out to fit his.

I swear to god-

"Hey, Felix? Just so you know this is also my room. And it has been for the past year. So if you could please stop touching all of my stuff to put yours into it? Thank you!" I sarcastically told him. I wasn't surprise when I got no response. Felix turned his head around to glance at me and then just continued unpacking like I wasn't even there!

Okay that's it-

"Okay I don't know who you think you are but if you think you can just come into my room like this, move my stuff around everywhere and just settle in like this is your room?! Then I'm not having it. I know your maybe like super famous and a special family member but it doesn't give you the right to mess with my stuff!!"

This sudden outburst of mine finally made a reaction rise out of the boy. At this point he was finished unpacking and now reading a book on his bed. He looks up at me, glares at me, then opens his mouth to speak.

"Listen I don't think either of us want to be together in this- interesting room but I have no choice but to stay here for the week. But if it bothers you that much to share a guest room." He sighs, walks to his bag and takes out a roll of white tape "Then perhaps ill compromise with you." He slowly unrolls the tape and sticks it to the floor, dragging it all the way across the width of the carpet. Creating a symmetrical white line in the middle of the room. Between me and his beds, ending at the bedside table in between them. He points to where he's standing.

"My side."

He points to where I'm standing.

"Your side."

He then places the roll of tape on the bedside table, plops down on his bed and continues reading his book.

I let out a heavy sigh.

I know this isn't gonna work out for me so it's no use trying. This is probably the best I'm gonna get if I'm gonna want some of my own space. I let out a yawn.

"Hey Felix?" I ask groggily. He looks up at me with a 'Go on' kind of face. "I'm gonna change and head to bed, goodnight" I half whisper as I walk to my dresser. I grab some pajamas and notice Felix still sitting in the same position on the bed.

"Hey- um- Felix? Can you- um-" I stammer out. "Hm?" He looks towards me and towards my pajamas "Oh. Well you could've just told me, i'm not..that kind of person" He slowly turns around on the bed, back facing me.

"I mean more like 'Get out of the room'" I say, this time for confidently. Felix let's out a hard sigh. He must be tired of me already.

"You're so difficult."

He walks out of the room and closes the door. 'He left his book here?' I think as I walk towards it. I read the cover 'Huh I didn't know he was into romance novels.' I walk back over to the dresser and start changing into my pajamas. I then remember Felix and walk to the door to let him back inside.

"Took you long enough.. what's your name again?" Felix asks. "Y/n, my name's Y/n." I yawn and walk back over to my bed, falling back onto it with an 'Oomph' noise. Snuggling up to my warm blankets and soft pillow I let myself fall into rest.

"Goodnight Felix."



Thank you so much for anyone reading this!
I'm trying to improve my writing and people finding the story really gives me motivation to practice more!
But to not make this any longer, I'm signing off!

Room for two? (Felix x reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now